little problem, big solution


Active Member
so i went to check on my plants today that i planted last sunday and when i arrived on the scene i discovered that my plats sprouted..good deal...then i discoverd that when i planted them the little tree that it is under was..little..but when i checked on them today i had a problem...that little tree had some big limbs that was blocking alot of light to my plants....sooo, sitting there smoking a cig i started to brain storm on ideas to get rid of this saw,no ladder....but i did have a 12 gauge shotty with about 15 i took use to my fire power and started blowing away at the upper limbs and before i knew it i no longer had a light problem


Well-Known Member
HAHAHHA that good!!!!!!!!
Nothing like a Shotty to take a tree down. Or anything else for that matter..


Well-Known Member
shit, mother fucking trees best not get in my way! Ize allways be strapped with dual 50 cal desert eagles!! lol jk but could you imagine? that would be badass!


Well-Known Member
i try to plant away from anything that would resrict the vital needs of my plants, that way i dont have to kill anything. but it is fun i must admit, i mean ha i aint no damn hippie! lol