little white bugs in soil! Dawn dishsoap?


Active Member
As I was admiring my lovely ladies this evening, I saw two little tiny white things running around in the soil. There is nothing on the leaves, as far as bugs, but a few of the leaf tips look damaged.

I was reading to use dawn for dishes, how exactly do I do this. Please help, I am not good with bugs, and will not be able to sleep. I will feel them crawling out of my ears and nose, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Active Member

These are what the things look like in the soil. They kinda look like spidermites? but none on leaves, they come running out of the soil when I push it around. Are the pics good enough? WHATNAHELL ARE THEY?!?!?!!
ya got gnats.

I just out a cover over the soil till they die or get somne ladybugs thru the internet and they will make those bugs go away


Active Member
Are gnats the same thing as aphids? I see a picture of aphid and it looks like my pictures. I had 1200 ladybugs, but since i DIDNT have a bug problem, I gave them away. FIGURES! will soap or sand do the job?


Active Member
Those are NOT gnats, those are some kind of mite, I've seen other threads on them...problem is, I'm way high right now and can't remember the name of them.
Anyways these are pictures of fungus gnat larvae and a fungus gnat. Those look nothing like what you have going on there...
I know that there are predatory mites called hypoaspis miles, which are used to get rid of fungus gnats, hopefully thats what you have, otherwise I'm going to say its root aphids, or some other kind of mites
Heres a couple links.


Active Member
Im thinking they are root aphids also. Yep, just looked at those sites, thats exactly what those little fukers are!!!!! I NEVER had this problem until I got this soil from my brother! What the fish. Now, does dawn dish soap or sand help with these jerks? Do they go on people or animals?


Active Member
Im thinking they are root aphids also. Yep, just looked at those sites, thats exactly what those little fukers are!!!!! I NEVER had this problem until I got this soil from my brother! What the fish. Now, does dawn dish soap or sand help with these jerks? Do they go on people or animals?
Wait wait, if you're sure that those are the same as the ones in the 2 links I sent you, then thats a good thing. They kill fungus gnat larvae, but be sure its them and not a different kind lol


Active Member
lol well hell, it sure looks like em! But I saw a cartoon pic of aphid also, and looked like that. Can you see the first pic that I posted? Im pretty sure it looks like what is in the links you posed. I swear I have bugs crawling all over me!


You need to calm down and get yourself a magnifying glass or a pocket microscope. Plenty of 'mites' and most other insects and small creatures are totally harmless, while others can be extremely beneficial.

I welcome these guys in my garden (even indoors) any day of the week.

There are more that you really shouldn't mind:

Many that you wouldn't want:


Im sorry to be a buttin on my first post ( not trying to step on toes). I have the same question about dawn dish detergent. Ive read the post and dont see the answer to the question. I know it works very well on garden and landscape plants for all types of bugs, but will it work on canabis and if so how much do i mix per gal if im able to use it. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Im thinking they are root aphids also. Yep, just looked at those sites, thats exactly what those little fukers are!!!!! I NEVER had this problem until I got this soil from my brother! What the fish. Now, does dawn dish soap or sand help with these jerks? Do they go on people or animals?
they lay eggs in your ears and eat your brain:)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Is it possible for you to transplant into some sterilized soil. Heat treat the medium before you start the grow.


Active Member
even if you transplant there is still some soil remaining and larva... i dish soaped the crap outa mine 2 weeks 15 drops and killed all the fungus gnats in one shot lol my plants got a little pissed but got over it hella fast....i just hate bugs soooooo much

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
That's a real pickle. ALWAYS sterilize your medium before you plant. Avoid bring food and non-composted material into your op, especially fruits.


Well-Known Member
looks like root aphids
check to see if they have the tell tail spikes prodruding from their ass

if it is RA, there are lots of threads on here and other sites. start reading. they are the hardest to get rid of organicly
good luck


i know its a bit late but-

i've been reading up on these little mites and i far as i know they dont harm the plant they eat the fungus larve and decaying matter ,but anyway sprayed the soil with dish soap and they havnt came back so this works.
But they are harmless little mites.