little white bugs


Active Member
ok so i went to water my plants today and when i watered the soil i knoticed these little white bugs jumping around. i was like wtf is that there are quite a few. the are really really small and white doea anybody know what they are and if they are bad?
you got the bugs...they are bad and you need to get rid of them yesterday r they will eat your whole crop. google or do a search here in RIU for the cures.


Active Member
i have had this happen on both of my grows. the first time they didnt appear until wel into flower and the grow was indoor. this time i found them on 1 of my plants which are only about 3 weeks old and this time i am growing outdoor. I believe they are called aphids and i didt reat the infected plant with insecticide. i put it back in the sun tho while the plant was wet with the insecticide. BIG mistake, i think she will put through but i now realize the plant must be kept in the shade untilo the stuff dries. These little bugs appeared on a few of my plants last grow when they werewell into flowering and they suck. good luck


Well-Known Member
u need to let us know what they look like , im studying pests and dieseses atm at tafe and i can tell u its probly not an aphid if it is on the soil , aphids will crawl up your stem and suck the cholorphyll from your leaves , they leave a honey dew goo where ever the eat.Could be whiteflys jumping of the plant ?borrowers,gnats maybe ?