try using a 2:1 mix of ISO alcohol and 1part water in a spray mister--right before the sun goes down spray them good --under leaves --on top of leaves stems and top of dirt---the alcohol evaperates fairly quik and kills a lot of different bugs and mites--repeat 2-3 times in one week---DO NOT spray on hot full sun leaves it will yellow them--early evening is best--just before dark...hope this helpsI have these little flying white bugs on my plants. They are tiny, so tiny they didnt show up in pic. No damage from them YET, just wanted to know if it is something to be concerned about.
This what I did with one of my plants that was infested..though I used a sponge and washed the leaves carefully..The plant was still small at the time. After about three baths of the diluted achohol mixture (once a week) she was cured!try using a 2:1 mix of ISO alcohol and 1part water in a spray mister--right before the sun goes down spray them good --under leaves --on top of leaves stems and top of dirt---the alcohol evaperates fairly quik and kills a lot of different bugs and mites--repeat 2-3 times in one week---DO NOT spray on hot full sun leaves it will yellow them--early evening is best--just before dark...hope this helps