little worms in the water


Well-Known Member
ok i leave a cup of water in my grow box for humidity and today when i went to change the water i noticed these tiny tiny white worm like things wiggling around in there. to this point i have had zero bug issues with my current setup... anyone know what they could be? no signs of any other critters


Active Member
do you KNOW its mosquitos, and if you let any kind of bugs in your grow space that arent beneficial to the plants your not being a good gardener period dont try and argue with me kid.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Larvae or nematodes is my very best guess. Do you have any idea how large the family of segmented worms is alone, let alone parasites and those insects in a larval stage..? :lol:

Oh hey! If your county has a vector control, you could take some samples to them and tell them you found them on your tomatoes. It's the right time of year for people to be growing tomatoes, too.