Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
he's probably just busy with all that trimming and then he had the inspection so will have had to get everything out the flat. hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
sorry people i had a evenfull week, fucking women!!! yeah i wont go into it lol

livers and pyschosis came down last night on day 56, critical mass i took down drunk day 50 i think? every1 who told me trim the lower nodes off before flower well wish i had listened and done it lol was hassle all that popcorn and i vegged far too long without a repot the roots on the plants didnt look healthy still ya live n learn.


Well-Known Member
the criticaL mass really could have done with a trim much earlier than i trimmed it cause was so much bud that hadnt seen much light still got 5oz + from it.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
SAmbo!!!!!! welcome back from
sorry to hear you had some issues but glad to see your alive!
congratulations on your harvest. when you feel up to it... love to see some pictures.
I think im going to do some last minute trim on one of my Super Lemon Hazes after hearing what you just said.
Peace dude


Well-Known Member
do you reckon it was the biggest yielder?. don't worry about the airy buds,sell em to the punters!, told you they would be good yielders!


Well-Known Member
do you reckon it was the biggest yielder?. don't worry about the airy buds,sell em to the punters!, told you they would be good yielders!
not really ghb i would say the pyschosis will be my biggest yielder, yair too right bout not keeping the airy buds lol havent kept any of the critical tbh.


Well-Known Member
glad your cool man, sounds like a pretty beast harvest as well. About the airy buds, I had all my shitty airy buds from the starberry haze in a box and my mate came round and was like "ill sell them for ya, know a few runts who wouldn't know the difference" lol. Made £200 off of near enough air there!

you gonna throw some pics up when you get the time? would love to see them before/ after the chop!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
welcome back sambro,

women are drama eh. even the great ones sooner or later. its the hormones man. no offence to the ladies present lol present on the interwebz im fuckin stoned...

sounds like a great harvest man, airy buds aside. like ghb said plenty for hashing or bho...

hope things chill a bit for ya man. tho i imagine youve been stoned to the bone for a while

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
i do apologise for the lack of final pics but aparently even tho i brought the cunting thing seeing as it was a family present then it dont count as mine so i got no rights to use lmao women gotta love em lolol
Bro we all get it some time.. glad to see your back anyway..:)


Well-Known Member
sorry again people for my piss poor effort at a journal lol im far too wrecked and busy all the time for a decent journal me thinks, next up tho is 2 tents with livers and pyschosis and a slh in there too, got a finger or 2 in a couple of bigger livers/pyschosis grows also. Tutti has run this town weedwise for too long move over biatch time for some livers/pyscho lol


Well-Known Member
out of interest you dont know of a site/link for the psychosis & livers do ya? anywhere that gives a bit of info on it, do like a bit of a read up on what im growing lol