Living in a State With No MMJ,Going to One With MMJ Laws


I am currently in Florida (worse state for marijuana imo) but I am moving out west to a more sensible state for marijuana laws. I have done my homework on the plants life cycle, but my theory has had no practice.Down here people are lets say frustrating to deal with or even find someone who has anything insightful to say beyond what I can find in my horticulture indoor/outdoor marijuana growers bible. Jorge Cervantes. due to the legality of the plant no one knows there head from there ass in actual open practices.I need some friends to help enhance my chances when I do make the move to the golden land.:hump:

lol Ide really appreciate good insight if you could help out a noob...


Well I guess what people that live in those states Experience you know the many strains and dispensaries and growing your own shit in a coop. I know the science behind growing but had no practice for the theories...

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
California isn't a good option. Look at Portland, Oregon or Spokane/Seattle, Washington. You'll be able to get a job and they aren't over run with competition. So selling to cover your expenses won't be as hard.


California isn't a good option. Look at Portland, Oregon or Spokane/Seattle, Washington. You'll be able to get a job and they aren't over run with competition. So selling to cover your expenses won't be as hard.
TYVM that is good stuff and a good point to start at. I'm thinking Washington would be good I need to go to NORML and Research there current MMJ laws.Any other helpful advice I could use? Remember I am moving over 2000 miles with my wife and our 3 year old (we are 24) I really don't have a huge foundation right now but I am a good server and could get transfered to another state for employment I am worried about how much it would actually cost to live in said state.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Wash has the highest minimum wage in the country. You could get a server job if you have prior experience. We can have 15 plants and its pretty relaxed here in spokane when it comes to bud. Easy as cali to get a card. It cost 200 and there are plenty if mmj specific doctors offices. It's a lot cheaper to live here then anywhere in California. By far. I recommend Seattle or Spokane but do your own research. Cause in the end its your choice. Good luck bro.


Hey thanks a ton for that info I will definitely look into those options they sound great opposed to other locations like say new mexico ewww. I read up on the laws on Washington and they look good and it is good to know that I really don't need to develop a type of cancer to get the marijuana therapy to quote the law. Thanks a whole lot again for the information. You live in spokane?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you have a job lined up before you move and not after, also Wash I think has a pretty sensible cost of living, sure its cheaper than FL.


I believe that I can et a job at a restaurant chain like outback steakhouse or something like that I could transfer to another one in that state,if I am lucky.I wonder how the education system there is because my son will be in school by the time we move also my wife will have her bachelor degree in education as well as I will start or transfer my college courses there as well.... Maybe Google can help me out.


Well-Known Member
I would not rely on "I can get one when I get there", make sure study where your going, learn evrything you can so you will be prepared. Call several resturants, stay away from chains try and find private owned resturants, they pay better usually. Also look up schools for your kid, talk to teachers etc... All i am saying is be prepared because if you just wing it, it will be more trouble than its worth.


I was planning on taking a trip as one of the last steps before I move out to where ever it is that I decide on to move. My wife pointed out Washington is really close to Canada and might get really really cold. Not a good thought, So Oregon looks nice right above Cali and below Washington. It looks like folks out there grow their own smoke I haven't seen any implication to any dispensaries in that state only know of California and Colorado and Oregon laws look better than Colorado.I hope it is cheap to live there...If not then probably Washington due to high min wage and low cost of living...

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Dude. It's the pacific northwest. It's cold in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. I live in Spokane. We have one of the best high schools in the country. Look it up.

Lewis & Clark High School.

Just cause Washington is closer to Canada doesn't mean its any colder then Oregon. It's hitting 32 degrees during the winter no matter what. And after your first'll get used to it.

Also Oregon doesn't have a sales tax but all the other taxes are expensive as shit! Property tax, Federal taxes etc.

Plus I think its a little more expensive to live there. And the minimum wage is less. A gallon of milk in Spokane is $2 and gas is right at $3.02. To give you a comparison. You should check out they will hire you if you can read/type/piss clean/have a clean record.10.00 and hour to do at&t cell phone customer service.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
yea winters aint shit up there. barely even snows. come to chicago and youll REALLY hate the cold.
IMO you should move to northern cali or oregon. Ive got a buddy out in oregon who loves it up there. Beautiful scenery and great cheap weed. And the medical scene is not lacking!


I live in Daytona Beach and I used a calculator from here and Springfield Oregon and it calculated I would make an extra 1k if assuming I make 9,600.00 a year... That would be a reason to look into that and also would be an Improvement :)

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
yea winters aint shit up there. barely even snows. come to chicago and youll REALLY hate the cold.
IMO you should move to northern cali or oregon. Ive got a buddy out in oregon who loves it up there. Beautiful scenery and great cheap weed. And the medical scene is not lacking!
2 years ago we had to call in the national guard cause peoples roofs were collapsing. It snows. Bout 10 feet. We had 98 inches in a one month period. :D