Well-Known Member
Although i do find this quite interesting its a bit hard to understand what you're arguing here. Seems to be that you should judge a spectrum on its highest peaks of red/blue rather than total amount of blue light vrs red light, is that right? Please correct me if i misunderstood.
I was more or less calling out the study for how it was posited; and therefore any conclusions that could be deduced about how they applied to growing cannabis. Or overall spectrum performance in general relating to high ppfd conditions.
I don’t think one can judge how a light will perform based solely on the total blue vs total red. I was just illustrating that compared to chlorophyll absorption charts, that the (80CRI) chip didn’t hardly cover the red nanometers of Chlorophyll-a, and that the red of of Chlorophyll-a was less about 50% of the relative intensity that the blue end of Chlorophyll-a was receiving. I used the 450nm peak as a “common denominator” since both chips used a 450nm pump and were normalized to show relative sprectum intensity (not absolute) on the same graph. The 80CRI chip is just obviously a very “cool” white compared to the Hortisolis chip.
In short, my point was to show the Hortisolis chip effectively covered both chlorophyll-a peaks, while 5000k (80CRI) did not. Therefore, at similar outputs, it should inherently yield better. Nothing profound in my opinion.
Youre judging a spectrum on the inclination of that line that connects red peak to blue peak, and if i understand you correctly, the more horizontal it slopes the better or the more it slopes up on the right side the better? Cause the downwards slope of the 5k 80cri is not desirable.
What follows from that argument is that adding more red, or blue, wont change how effective the spectrum is as long as it doesnt change the proportions of the highest peaks?
You talk about Chloro A absortion peaks; in the previous case, 450 peak and half intensity on anything between the peak of 450 and 400, would one be using the peak of 450nm or should one use the values at around 430 to draw that line?
Sorry i dont mean to call you out, i just dont understand exactly what youre saying.
No need to be sorry, I’m happy to explain my take on things.
Regarding the peak to peak theory, you could probably reasonably assume that based on chlorophyll absorption and action charts, that a horizontal or even slightly increasing slope of left to right would likely be better than the alternative. This is interesting as you say, but not my personal take (but there may be credence to it). But if truly testing that theory, you would draw a line from the peaks of Chlorophyll-a, so likely 430nm to 680nm, but drawn on the respective LED Spectrum Graph for reference.
I would consider the entirety of the spectrum 380nm-750nm and see how balanced it was against sunlight. Then compare how it tracks against chlorophyll absorption/action charts and photosynthetic quantum yield charts.
Could you fill out the whole section of the spectrum between 400-450nm with blue light of half the intensity of the 450 peak with no effect?
No, there would certainly be an effect from the other pigments that would be absorbing the other 400nm-450nm, including Chlorophyll-a. If the blue end of Chlorophyll-a were to be at saturation, the excess energy would either transmit through the leaf or be quenched by one of the photosystems. But the other nanometers would certainly still be absorbed and likely photosynthesized.
Also, it may be that you and prawn are talking about different things, hes talking about flower yield while you seem to talk about photosynthetic efficiency of a certain spectrum. But that kinda forgets about the plants morphogenetic reactions to the spectrum; a red heavy spectrum, including some far red, may make the plant redirect more energy towards budding/flowers than what you would gain in using a photosynthetically more efficient spectrum at same intensity.
It is quite possible that we are talking about different things theory-wise, but ultimately I’m talking about a light spectrum that grows the healthiest, highest yielding, most cannabinoid content buds, all other variables the same. I mean that’s what most of these discussions are about, right? Folks just have different opinions, experiences, and interpretations of previous data, and there is currently no end-all prevailing theory that I’m aware of that checks all the boxes (except sunlight). Which sets the bar, IMO.
Another point id like to mention for discussion: has anyone evaluated the difference in how a led spectrum performs depending on how it is created? As in: is there a difference in growth characteristics depending on if this red in the spectrum is coming from a few red sup diodes or if its coming from the white diodes?
There are a few talking points in the studies had linked regarding the composition of the spectrum, not just the nanometers covered. From my understanding from reading the abstracts, plants use white light more efficiently than monochromatic sources. I’ll have to find the other study that was done specifically on this subject, but I haven’t read it yet.