Its actually my first name.... I'm a new poster but I've been following for quite some time. Don't really care about his vids, and I'm sure I agree about my kids without even looking at them. I imagine 50 percent of these posters are long haired beanie wearing culturally confused chillun bobbing their heads to WAKKA FLAKKA. But again. Stress is an accepted part of growing. Whether its setting up a fan to strengthen stems or clipping the top of your plant to produce extra colas. These are recognized and accepted stressing methods. Stress is a primary factor in the results of outside grows, there are factors we can't replicate in an artificial setting. Who's to say that out of ten plants, you over expose them with UV, pick the plants that did the best, breed them with each other, wash rinse repeat and a few gens down the line, you create a monster. No one here, because we can't even have a mature conversation on the topic, REGARDLESS of the OP financial situation or levels of retardidness. He didn't do the study, he's just starting a conversation on it. A 5 yr old could try to babble about it and it wouldn't make the argument any less valid, the 5 yr old didn't make the study, he just wants to discuss it. I could care less what he does in his free time, I just want to see some info on the topic. How retarded is it to bring up a scientific study and have hundreds of replies that look like youtube comments. Whats the point of even commenting? Is the world that desperate to hear your special brand of humor? I wasnt.
Also, i diddnt think i needed to include this in my other post, but for all you kids out there, manhattan silver is an urban legend, or at least most of it. Are the ninja turtles prancing through a wonderland of marijuanna? No. Are there well documented examples of plants and animals growing in less than welcoming environs and thriving (along with a pale tinge) yes.
Its natural selection. Where there's life, there's a way, and that life will find a way not only to live, but to thrive and prosper, whether its instant or many gens down the line.
Maybe all you potheads should take a step back from your plants, put down your bongs, and look at your plants not as a consumable resource you can exploit for your own gain, but a living, breathing, FEELING being that exists, grows, thinks, adapts, and above all else, wants to LIVE LONG AND PROSPER. I bet that attitude would change a few soccer moms attitudes.
A fresh perspective brings new ideas to the table that everyone in the community can benefit from. Whether your a head bobbing bass thumping jackass or a tappdancing Nancy. Peace guys!