LMFAO Epigenetics = Stress Your Plants

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This guy seems to be basing his whole grow methodology based off of some article he read about stress factors in animals and non-cannabis plants...

Now, any logical person(even if they took this information for truth) would go through the due diligence of properly testing it for themselves. This guy hasn't even shown he can grow a plant normally, never mind trying to determine whether or not these shitty techniques will add anything beneficial to the plants production without having ANY sort of controlled variables or standardized test subjects to compare results to.

This isn't science...this is a dumbass with a keyboard and some plants.

What's that saying? Learn to crawl before you learn to walk....in this case Fin needs to learn to crawl before he skydives.
This guy seems to be basing his whole grow methodology based off of some article he read about stress factors in animals and non-cannabis plants...

Now, any logical person(even if they took this information for truth) would go through the due diligence of properly testing it for themselves. This guy hasn't even shown he can grow a plant normally, never mind trying to determine whether or not these shitty techniques will add anything beneficial to the plants production without have ANY sort of controlled variables or standardized test subjects.

This isn't science...this is a dumbass with a keyboard and some plants.

the nicest plants he has ever grown so far though....which only reinforces the deluded concepts he holds in his brain.

I'm still waiting for his response on how his pruning will effect the plants on a genetic level...which doesn't seem forthcoming.
People have been pushing a nail, wedge etc through the plants stalks since AT LEAST the 70's. And it's been a disproven theory for almost as long.

FIN.... Read a book about plant botany. Find out what a plant wants and why. Try to keep a nice healthy plant through harvest. Is this too hard for you to understand?
People have been pushing a nail, wedge etc through the plants stalks since AT LEAST the 70's. And it's been a disproven theory for almost as long.

FIN.... Read a book about plant botany. Find out what a plant wants and why. Try to keep a nice healthy plant through harvest. Is this too hard for you to understand?

he doesn't need to read books...he writes them. Didn't you know?
i'm soo fucking glad I don't do facebook

it was easy, i just started an account as one of his existing friends and sent out friend invitations to his circle and they accepted them, now i have unfettered access to all of his family photos and reserve the right to post them here in an attempt to help spammy harvest google pennies.
it was easy, i just started an account as one of his existing friends and sent out friend invitations to his circle and they accepted them, now i have unfettered access to all of his family photos and reserve the right to post them here in an attempt to help spammy harvest google pennies.

well, that's awful nice of you to help fin with his cause. I'm sure you alone have earned him 52 cents in the last month ;)
Joe i just gotta say you are a straight up fucking weirdo and you deserve to be punched in the face repeatedly.

you got finshaggys sister posted as your avatar, what sort of messed up dude does that. do you print the pictures out and burn out the eye holes with cigarettes aswell?

if you want to shit on finshaggy put him as your avatar.

Maybe one day someone who is pissed off at you will take it out on one of your family members
Joe i just gotta say you are a straight up fucking weirdo and you deserve to be punched in the face repeatedly.

you got finshaggys sister posted as your avatar, what sort of messed up dude does that. do you print the pictures out and burn out the eye holes with cigarettes aswell?

if you want to shit on finshaggy put him as your avatar.

Maybe one day someone who is pissed off at you will take it out on one of your family members

i'm not pissed at him at all. In fact since you seem to not know the history here it was spammy who pimped his family out long ago.

but now it's not ok?

you should go sit in the back of the bus and be quiet.

this is not a suitable replacement avi at all.
Joe i just gotta say you are a straight up fucking weirdo and you deserve to be punched in the face repeatedly.

you got finshaggys sister posted as your avatar, what sort of messed up dude does that. do you print the pictures out and burn out the eye holes with cigarettes aswell?

if you want to shit on finshaggy put him as your avatar.

Maybe one day someone who is pissed off at you will take it out on one of your family members

lol..and you're calling me the weirdo? For putting a pic of a beautiful young girl in my avi like so many others?

how do you even know it's fins sister? because I say it is? Or because buck does?

like I said back of the bus....and take notes.
quit fucking repping me you retard. I don't care who the fuck you are or were. If you aren't man enough to reveal your past screename it is irrelevant how long you have been here.
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