Lobster compost

A little bodhi sunshine daydream temple ball next to a recently harvested goji og bud. Stupidly, I did not take a cut...it has that delicious Hawaiian punch aroma but with just a hint of orange
Ran my last bubble run yesterday for the season..I'll start back up in late fall when temps drop again. I like a cold barn and my water to be left out overnight to get as close to freezing as possible. The clam knife was made in Japan and was my wife's grandfathers. It's now my hash working knife which is a dear tool to me. 45 crumbled, 73 just below it, and 120 to the side. A mixture of small buds and larf from my last grow. The smell of the hash while washing is one of my favorite parts of the job. It doesnt get any cleaner smelling IMO. This will all be crumbled today, and probably presssed/rolled into temple balls tomorrow night.
Drying spot about to go into the underworld growth
Hey that place I was getting the "Coast of Maine" products from that closed down. Someone bought it and it's back......better. so I picked up a few bags of the lobster compost and some Stonington. I haven't tried the Stonington yet.
Getting ready to flip these tonight. Going to give them a seaweed/fulvic foliar feed right before lights out.

3 weeks since transplant. 2020 chuck on the left ( 2019 pebbles x gg4 chuck) x bodhi black raspberry dad. I figured it'd be a fast grower, the dad was. 2019 pebbles xgg4 on the right.
2019 chuck pebbles xgg4/ 3 headed dragon ( baddawg cross).
I love this plant lol. Mowed by the "secret garden" today and found a surprise. First time checking. I spotted them from where I was cutting grass

2020 chuck. Hindu hashplant crossed with bodhi black raspberry dad. Dropped some seeds

2019 chuck hit with the black ras pollen. 2020 chuck

Compost seedling up potted. Twins
Growing fast. The male black raz is really causing some fast growth i believe ( plant on the left) I'm going to have to start tying it back and bending to keep it somewhat low.

I've done some defoliation probably 3-4 times now, and this 2019 chuck is still a jungle. Looking to fill a few jars with this multi-top.
If you like cats and you want the loyalty of a dog, look into bobtails. This is our second and she is the sweetest cat. Follows you around the whole house just so she can chill with company. 4 years old and an SPCA find, we think she lived with an elderly person who may have passed.
She’s lovely mate lost my cat last year she was 13 RIP sash cat ☮
Sorry to hear that. It can be like losing a family member. It's been over 10 years since our last cat who was taken by an owl or coyote I suspect. I was hesitant about getting an indoor cat only, but being in the woods, there's really no safe way to keep an outdoor cat. The last one, also a bobtail, was a wicked hunter. He brought home rabbits, birds, squirrels,mice. Almost lost an eye fighting with a weasel we have around here. He never showed up one morning and that was the hardest part. I looked for him for weeks.
Anyways, I feel your pain. RIP sash
Wow sounds amazing where you live lucky if I see a segal with a bag of chips where I live now I have to travel to my place of birth to see any real wildlife read something a while back about weasels being one of the most aggressive animals pound for pound I have only seen them a handful of times in the wild
Wow sounds amazing where you live lucky if I see a segal with a bag of chips where I live now I have to travel to my place of birth to see any real wildlife read something a while back about weasels being one of the most aggressive animals pound for pound I have only seen them a handful of times in the wild
Weasels ( or Ermines specifically where i am) are RUTHLESS! I was actually home when I heard the commotion outside our window and looked outside to see our cat standing armpit deep in a little waterway next to the house. I ran out to see wtf was going on, and after picking up the cat, i looked to where he was looking, and there was a little face looking back from the water:shock: probably lost one of his lives that day lol.

Post up a pic of Sash if you'd like(: