• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Local slang


Active Member
Where Im from trees all cost the same. No matter what dealer you go to its a standard price for this shit. Like for a g its always 10 bucks, if you charge anymore than that your not getting buyers. If you get good trees then you either call it "bomb cron" or "bombastic shit" thats just how it is. Bad trees are just called shitty trees and you smoke it cuz you have to haha. bc bud is pretty dope and i can smoke that all day. props to whoever grows that on the west end


Active Member
Around here shitty weed is shwag, then mids or regs, anything better is called dank. Most of the dank around is beasters though. You can find better but people charge an assload for it. Like purp, or thrax, or kush, I've had dudes try to sell me a gram for $30 and $40 bucks. It's pretty ridiculous, that's why I'm on here. Me and my friends have our own names for bud, like foosh foosh, crons, twead, the precious, stuff like that. I always thought cronic was weed with coke sprinkled all over it. It's like freebasing the coke and smoking weed at the same time. At least that's what it is around here. A lot of people call good weed "dro", like in rap songs and stuff. They don't have any idea what medium was used to grow it in. Like it even makes a difference in potency. Organic buds actually taste a lot better. And potency is all up to genetics. I don't even think they know what hydroponics is, or even where weed comes from for that matter. It's pretty funny I think.


Active Member
the shitty weed around here is called "bunk weed" or "Nibs" and the good shit is just "primo" or "greens" cause if you get greens your fucked one toke (hard to get tho)

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
anyway its kinda cool to see someone else from the "dirty south" on here. stay up bro.
There is a few more of us on here.

To answer skunks question, yes. Thats if its good coke. We used to smoke in a bong when we were kids. Called it a spice bowl. Coke doesnt really burn in a joint. You would have to cook it first to burn it in a joint. Thats a real mo. To me it was a relaxing high. I dont really like the rush of crack but I liked mo's back in the day. Now I just stick with weed. I wouldnt mind getting ahold of some shrooms though.


Well-Known Member
whats up widow, cool man, i have read your guide like 3 times lol on my 1st grow since 92', after 14 years one tends to become a newbie again but i still remember most of the basics. i have some original haze going right now thats 2 weeks into 12/12 and i actually bought a camera 2 days ago, i will post some pics as soon as i can get over the nervous feeling of actually putting pics online of my grow. peace out and stay up bro

Dr. Jake Destructo

Active Member
around here in tx we get tons-o-mexican pot and very little of anything else. but as for whats its called and prices, schawg,dirt,homegrown,ditch,rego,street,mexy,brick,boarder brick, and junk are a few of the names. prices start at about 25.00 for 1/2oz and most dealers wont sell less than a 1/2oz. but if you buy in bulk you get it cheaper. ie 1lb for 300.00, 2lbs for 500.00
the pot mixed with coke here is called primo and sells for 10.00 a rock and 25.00 for an 1/8 of nonmexican weed.
the best pot we have is hydroponic,hydro,dro, or water grown. and goes for 15.00 a dime, 35.00 a quarter, 60 a 1/2oz, and 100.00 for 1oz. i dont know about lbs.
and theree is some stuff sold here called water, or dead smoke. it goes for 10.00 a joint. its a joint dipped in formaldihide. i dont have a clue about how to spell that and im to lazy to spell check it lol

500 for a lb of schwag!?!
100 for an oz of 'dro!?!

Dammit. I just paid 100 for an oz of BC's.

What would a j dipped in formaldihide do to you? What's the advantage?


Active Member
hey yo
here we got dro and few diff strains and the shit stuff is called tunna (it takes a tunna the shit to get ya stoned) and the good stuff is just called bang


New Member
Widow... I know where you're coming from... I've mixed coke and skunk on many occasions... I've just never heard of it for sale. For a start you don't know how much coke would be in the weed. I smoke coke spliffs all the time, I have to as my sinuses are pretty much fucked. I just mix it with tobacco. Also cocaine, depending on quality is very hard to mix with weed... I've been a dealer of various drugs for years, all my friends are dealers... none of them would ever waste cocaine by mixing it with the weed. Not to sell, that is! Personally we do it all the time. If a dealer told me that he was selling weed laced with coke I'd laugh in his face. We call them cocktails.


Well-Known Member
lol ljjr,,,,sorry i dont mean to giggle at ya but that sounds just like what ive seen from laced J's. ill never touch the stuff. im more of a "if i cant grow it i cant smoke it" kinda guy.
around here we have so much junk pot that dealers mix the coke(a gram i think) in with a dimer, so they can sell it as a dbl blunt bag. mixing the coke with the pot is the only way to get high from the pot. from what im told. ive never smoked it or even seen it for that matter. ive just been told about it.
i havent bought pot in years. ive been growing outdoors for a while and now ive just started a hydro crop of pure power plants and og kush.(im sick of seeds)
and if its shroomies your into come on over. ive got them everywhere out here. i live in a pasture and the cow crap shrooms are all over. i dont dig them to much,they give me a sad belly and the trip is to long for my taste. im more of a salvia fan myself.

Dr. Jake Destructo

Active Member
Where do you get your Salvia from? I'm very interested in the stuff, sounds like a very intense cerebral high. I'm not one to buy a gram of herb off the web for 30 bucks though, y'know? Heh
Marijuana - often called pot, grass, reefer, weed, herb, mary jane, or mj - is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of Cannabis sativa, the hemp plant.


Well-Known Member
hey dr. you can get salvia just about anywhere. its not against the law. i buy it online. i mix about 1/2 a gram of the 40x extract with a bowl in my bong. that seems not kill most of the harshness, and mellow out the trip a bit.
ive tried to grow it, but its not so easy to do, and takes a long time to get enough to do much good.


Active Member
Around here in Western NC, the good stuff is dro, the average stuff is just grass, and the shit is called rag...cause you can get about the same effect as smoking a rag, lol

I get alot of grass from friends for free cause they've got so much and are very generous, rag is soooooo easy to come buy, and the serious stoners love their dro.

Dro's great around here, but ya know, most of the people don't know what "dro" means, lol. Besides, marijuana being decriminalized, anything under an ounce is a misdameanor (FUCK SPELL CHECK! lol :mrgreen: ) which is about 15-30 days incarciration or a $100 fine, but most cops aren't big on busting people unless they're dealing. But hey, since I'm growing now I wont have to worry about buying. I haven't bought any around here, most of it's been handed to me, the rest I brought up from my stash back in Florida, lol

Dr. Jake Destructo

Active Member
I know you can get it online, but I just don't like to. I have heard that they have it at the chain gag store Spencer, but I've not asked nor do I beleive it's true. Came from an unreliable source.

Anyways, next time I'm at a head shop I'll ask, they might have some.


Well-Known Member
you can pick salvia up at the local headshop exotica here...we call shit weed reggie's, dont know why...good shit is kb which lately i think has been grapefruit flavored? is there a strain that grows and tastes like grapfruit...im growing from some seeds i found from some bud that tasted like that... reggies is 100an oz and kb is 400 an oz...