Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for providing a great example of a tactic taken from the science deniers handbook for false arguments:

Cite dynamic data as if it were static.

It's common for climate science deniers to say something like that too: "It's snowing outside, so much for global warming."

And here it is, "Italy's death toll is high today, so defend the lockdown" as if that statistic means it isn't working.

Both are logical fallacies and no, I'm not going to address the fallacy of logic you posed. Because I just checked and lockdowns are still working:

View attachment 4545648
Actually, what I said was:

It seems that tracking deaths is not actually what any epidemiologist would track as a metric for the spread of the virus. That's why they track new cases in an effort to minimize the deathtoll.

So I wasn't citing it. I was demonstrating why citing that data is retarded. You love citing that. Also, I did so on the other thread, not this one, which was made just to troll me with memes and distortions. It's cool, if you can't debate without a handicap.


Well-Known Member
back when you got your antibody test?
No, before that, even before you made a chickenshit sockpuppet yet again to mock me.

Lots of folks are getting antibody tests. They don't count those as confirmed stats, if they did nobody would accept the lockdowns anymore.


Well-Known Member
Lockdowns don’t work, this article says so! And if you are “interested” they also have some anti abortion articles and anti same sex marriage articles.
Very interesting!!!
PS I forgot ......MAGA
Wow is that website batshit.


Well-Known Member
Also, I did so on the other thread, not this one, which was made just to troll me with memes and distortions
did you get a chance to post your medical background(s) and what medical journals your works have been published in?

because i thought you started that other thread to troll us.

p.s. lockdowns are still working. sweden is paying the price for following your advice.


Well-Known Member
lockdowns are... working
I'll tell you why you won't find any direct evidence of this. It doesn't exist.
sweden is paying the price for following your advice.
Actually, Sweden is on track toward being one of the first countries with herd immunity and they're getting there without having to self destruct their economy, so that's one price they didn't pay. This study from almost two weeks ago (samples taken even before) clearly shows that it is likely that one out of every eight in Stockhom has had the disease. Most didn't even know it.
At least 11 out of 100 Stockholm’s residents have virus antibodies, research shows