Locked Up


New Member
Every time I think about telling someone about my grow or selling some of my harvest, I watch Locked up and the feeling goes away quickly!


Active Member
Every time I think about telling someone about my grow or selling some of my harvest, I watch Locked up and the feeling goes away quickly!
Ha, I know right. I've never thought about telling anyone. Well my brother knows & my husband. Other than that NOBODY.
Today I was babysitting my nephews & my growroom is locked up and everything but there's a little red light that comes through the bottom of the door...
Well my youngest nephew 3 says "oh my B that is a hot room" he thinks it's hot from the sun, because he sees the red light. my 5 year old nephew says "b why is that light red & I said that's for Santa. He has to know where to come in because we don't have a chimney!


Well-Known Member
I've been locked up, and when I watch that show it makes me feel great about my current situation.


Active Member
hey bblzs you should get one of those things that slides onto your door at the bottom and it blocks off both sides,i think its to keep air inside the room say if the AC or heater is on.my cousin had one,i will post it if i can find it

i watch the show to,my uncles say it aint the same as the show,one is back in prison now and will be doing his 14th year and may be out in 3-4 years,another got out after 15 years and has a company job with a company truck,my cousin will be back home in 2 months after doing a 1year violation sentence of a previous 8 year sentence.

i hope if/when i go im not alone lol


Well-Known Member
Being locked up is TERRIBLE. Not as much living in a cage as it is living in a cage with fucking hard ass criminals that will tear your face off any chance they can get for no reason.


Active Member
I've never been locked up. Don't plan to be locked up... I already have very few female friends because bitches are annoying so I can't imagine being locked up with so many!


Well-Known Member
Bitches dont break your arm, knock all your teeth out and fractue your patella. Fucking asshole men do.


Active Member
Bitches dont break your arm, knock all your teeth out and fractue your patella. Fucking asshole men do.
Growing up... I have seen some crazy biches.. running with the wrong crowd until I was about 17... I saw a girl literally knock another girls 2 front teeth out broke her jaw and then spit on her... while wearing heels! haha.


Well-Known Member
Growing up... I have seen some crazy biches.. running with the wrong crowd until I was about 17... I saw a girl literally knock another girls 2 front teeth out broke her jaw and then spit on her... while wearing heels! haha.
Don't doubt it. My dental bill was quite large. I'm not racist but I very much hate mexicans now.


bud bootlegger
hey op, i'lll try and find a link for this thread that dark destruction started awhile back.. he's even more of a fan of the show than i am, and i didn't know it was possible, lol..
it's also one of my favorite shows on tv as well... as a matter of fact i'm watching it right now, lol.. good stuffs..

brb with a link to the other thread if you're interested you can check it out... :)


Well-Known Member
and girls kick your mcnuggets lol..

you hate men and mexicans it seems.
no and no. I dont hate men, I am a man. and i dont hate mexicans at all. I dislike a majority of them but i have a few really good mexican friends that work at my favorite resteruant and some that worked for my dad.


Active Member
hey op, i'lll try and find a link for this thread that dark destruction started awhile back.. he's even more of a fan of the show than i am, and i didn't know it was possible, lol..
it's also one of my favorite shows on tv as well... as a matter of fact i'm watching it right now, lol.. good stuffs..

brb with a link to the other thread if you're interested you can check it out... :)
I'm watching it too!


bud bootlegger
I'm watching it too!
lol, that's awesome... i used to work 3rd shift, so on the weekends i'd usually be up at all kinds of crazy hours, and it seemed like lock up was the only good thing on... i must have seen every episode about 5x's at least, minus some of the newer ones of course...

and favorite episodes or characters from the show bblzs??

here's the link i was talking about...https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/413929-life-after-lockup-anyone-see.html

i'm sure if dark destruction is online now, he'll be popping his head into this thread sooner or later as like i said, he's a real lover of this show like i am.. :)


Active Member
lol, that's awesome... i used to work 3rd shift, so on the weekends i'd usually be up at all kinds of crazy hours, and it seemed like lock up was the only good thing on... i must have seen every episode about 5x's at least, minus some of the newer ones of course...

and favorite episodes or characters from the show bblzs??

here's the link i was talking about...https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/413929-life-after-lockup-anyone-see.html

i'm sure if dark destruction is online now, he'll be popping his head into this thread sooner or later as like i said, he's a real lover of this show like i am.. :)
I like the locked up extended stay alot. One of my favorite episodes is where a guy gets to go back into general pop. I forget his name.. but he takes a medicine that makes his move involuntarily. He's bald, and actually looks a little weird! But he makes it back into general pop just fine! Success! The re-run was just on!