LOL Steve Harvey is a jackass

You guys are crazy, Nobody would be even talking about that contest if it weren't for his fuckup. " There's no such thing as bad publicity"

Steve isn't funny, he's not even talented but watch him parlay this fuck up into hosting the Oscars or some other dumb ass show.
I already thought he was a jackwagon before this...this just proves my point.:P
Ever think he did it on purpose? Dude likes to fuck around. If I had the gig, I'd do it just for the angst and heartbreak and lolz. Something to consider
His dumbass made matters worse when he apologized via Twitter and spelled Columbia wrong!!!! They're all pissed off down there. Wonder if he did it all on purpose.

Edit by the way the same people who watch that garbage get in fights at Walmart. Just sayin.