LOL TSD is off air again.

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Active Member
With all the shit thrown around over at TSD yesterday… The site is off air again. Surprise surprise!!!


Active Member
some friendly hacker should really put a banner on the shop frontpage over there.
to warn potential buyers i mean. last days were one big shitfest over there.


Well-Known Member
Guess we can expect all.of.our fair weather friends back again..
not for any longer than to find out where we're gonna go this time.
I never made any personal attack on you RB, it was just about this place in general. I have nothing against anybody here personally, but like I said before, I don't want to be here permenantly. Whats so wrong with that??
I havn't been back to the seed collectors thread since the other day, and will not being I am not welcome there.

So..where the hell are we all going now!?


Well-Known Member
somebody from there PM me with info cause I'm not gonna be here much where Im not welcome lol. One thing I am not is fake! I gotta find Bohdi though to find out what we're suppose3d to do with these testers now too. Anybody get a word on that please PM as well. Thank you.


Active Member
TSD = The Seed Depot.

This is the place where all the original creators of RIU Seed Collectors Thread went in order to get away from over-zealous moderators and internet trolls at RIU.

Basically, it was/is(?) a great place to hang and learn, but alas, it appears that the owner of the site (JB) hasn't paid breeders for their stock. The word leaked out, eventually spread, and now it looks like the site is off the airwaves.

Wheezer: I have no idea where peeps are going, if indeed they have to bug-out of TSD. But hell, this is RIU: everybody is welcome here, especially you. I've always likened RIU to an international hostel for pot posters. Are there better places? Yes. Can you fall back on this place if the other place implodes? Yes.


Well-Known Member
Oh sure, there are many other small forums, but none that even come close to the traffic that Rollitup gets. That's partially because we welcome everyone to participate, even those who disparage us, because we realize that the Top Dog is always compained about by some who like to rant.

So it's all good! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
the site is not what drove us away. its all the fucking newbies, trolls and over moderation. but y'all keep up the good work!

se ed - i still love doing that. haha


Well-Known Member
Typo I'm pretty sure I won the last guess the number lmao!! Wheezer is cool as fuck. I'm here there every fucking where! There's certain cats that I post with they seemed to be at tsd so I went there to shoot the shit with em but that shouldn't matter


Well-Known Member
Wha... wha... whatttt???!!! U guys mean there is actually a cannabis forumn that isnt over run by trolls, internet tough guys and "i want everything spoon fed, what is a fem ceed, can I use my 100 watt incandescent bulb to grow 5 lbs" noobs???!!! Wow!!!

All joking aside, i love u RIU! But I like to hang out around the "ceed & strain reviews" section as there is alot less of that BS over in these parts!


bud bootlegger
not for any longer than to find out where we're gonna go this time.
I never made any personal attack on you RB, it was just about this place in general. I have nothing against anybody here personally, but like I said before, I don't want to be here permenantly. Whats so wrong with that??
I havn't been back to the seed collectors thread since the other day, and will not being I am not welcome there.

So..where the hell are we all going now!?
You're not fake? The last time tsd went down you came running back here, saying how much you missed it here, and how many friends you have here, blah blah blah..
Than less than 24 hours someone posted a link from tsd where you had said something akin to..
"Oh, I'm so glad I'm back here, and not on trollitup anymore"..
How is that not fake? Not even 24 hours earlier you were saying how nice it was to be back here and how you've missed your friends, and a few hours later you're talking shit about riu and your so called friends.. that's about as fake as they come Wheezer.. at least man up and own it, I'd have a lil more respect, but to try and act like you weren't being a phony, fair weathered friend, when you were cold busted talking shit, well, I don't have time for people like you, sorry if that offends..
I'm done I said my piece..


bud bootlegger
Typo I'm pretty sure I won the last guess the number lmao!! Wheezer is cool as fuck. I'm here there every fucking where! There's certain cats that I post with they seemed to be at tsd so I went there to shoot the shit with em but that shouldn't matter
That's my point as well puff.. don't think riu is the only forum I'm a member on, as it's clearly not.. but I don't go over to say the farm and say how glad I am to be there and not on that shitty as site riu, especially when yesterday I was on riu saying how much I like it here and have tons of friends here, as I think talking shit about the people I was calling a friend yesterday is a pretty shitty thing, had tons of friends like that as a kid, and as a result, I can see right through it now and it pisses me off to no end..

OK, sorry, I know I said I said my piece earlier but just saw your post puff and had to explain..
Now I'm done, for real for real.. :)


Well-Known Member
My TSD seeds are never coming are they? LOL

The big question is......Where are we going gentlemen?



Active Member
Ya she is fucked..the god damn plane has crashed into the mountain!!! As lebowski says...does anyone think there is a security risk for former members/customers info? Fucked up that everything was normal than boom! I'm out FG
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