

Well-Known Member
Maybe he isn't smart enough to grow mother plants for cloning or resrve or just likes having to start back at zero if there is a major problem and a full bud cycle is wiped out Maybe he doesn't even grow pot. I know maybe he is trying to be CUTE.

Haha, He wipes out his whole crop to take clones, imagine that :hump:


i kinda figured it couldnt be doing to much if there that small. thanks fornthe help. i guess ill just grow em out , my sitch is this basically , im in can, so laws are knda in a kinda rural area too , so nieghbors are kinda far ,theres not even a hydro store in town gotta drive a couple hours to the closest one. this is my second run my first was with six plants and i just wanted to try something new this time around. thanks for the advice ill proably just grow them out i guess wait till harvest chopp some tops put some back in the veg room and try cloning those for outdoor?(again im some what inexperianced so any advice given ill freely take)


Well-Known Member
if you want a lollipop why not 2 weeks from cutting in cloner....2 weeks under veg T5 ...right to 12/12 HPS? wouldnt that produce lollipops ??


see thats the whole thing , by theory that all sounds wicked but i dont have the experiance to know for sure. if your handing out advice im more then will to take it, has this method worked for you befor?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
If I remember right, in the 6o's and 70's when almost all pot sold was Mexiacn pot. it was sold in what was referred to as a four fingered bag.
Yep, used to pay $10 for a 4 finger, about an ounce, a "lid".

These pot growing forums were established to have a place to advertise the selling of seeds, not as a favor to pot growers. Same way as AN and other mnfacturers produce and sell merchandice to us to make lots of money. Our welfare and freedom to grow and their support of Norml and all is just marketing *rap. You do notice the one talking that crap the most is the one producing the most worthless products and the one charging the most. They are also the ones standing in their adds in front of their parking lot of Hummer's Mercededs amnd BMW's and offering a millon dollars to anyone proving someone else sells a better product. If they were really supportive of the right to grow etc. they would simply cut their price by 75%. I would definitely NOT offer seeds for sell in this foum or any other. Seed growers sell from other countries and have legal people in their employment. They ell through frnts, not out of their homes. You will likely not find a single seed or drug of any kind in their homes, and you will not find their home address on any packages as a retun address. It is U.S. federal crime to use the U.S. post office to transport pot seeds.
Yep, it is all about the money. If it weren't for the northwest U.S. growers, the Dutch would still be smelling tulips. They are a greedy bunch.

It takes a while for a noob to become jaded about the cannabis community. The cheesey businessmen romance it, try to throw in a little mystique..... a little ideology, the kids fall for the rap and the sales pitches elevate it to something more than a weed, a sacred herb, hah! The cannabis community has traded common sense and botany for gimmicks, snake oils, funky lights and such. It's all about the money.

The silly (and stupid) names on the products and seed crosses never cease to give me a big laugh. Sales are based on one thing - perception.

Funny stuff ~


Well-Known Member
Er well yes I do understand the difference. Now due to space parameters outside my control all my cows have calves depending if they have any nice extra stems. I even screwed up and squeezed a set of calves out of a bull a few months back. I dont really have anyplace to keep a perpetual clone mama type critter. I feel like such a loser. Is there any hope for a person like me?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Not likely a bud from a lolli popped plant and not yours. So what is your point in posting it.
Yep, smoke-n-mirrors. For starts, it's a wet cola from gawd knows who or what...... second, it's a kid's attempt to deny botanical concepts in lieu of forum political correctness. So.......

"A thousand flies on a pile of shit can't be wrong."

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
There is side branching in that bucket I doubt this is from a Lolipoop, I wanna see you personally grown lolipoops. Not the ones that come outta your ass.
Dont come flaming at me Guy.
I subscribed this thread long time ago.
I just came back from a short hiatus and thought this picture was amusing and as I stated before someone posted that in one of my threads. That I assumed was lollipopped

I have plants Lolipopped right now That can gladly post
So dont come off me like I need your fucking approval or rep. Im not a nubie just trying to get post counts.
So get off your Highhorse all of you


Well-Known Member
Dont come flaming at me Guy.
I subscribed this thread long time ago.
I just came back from a short hiatus and thought this picture was amusing and as I stated before someone posted that in one of my threads. That I assumed was lollipopped

I have plants Lolipopped right now That can gladly post
So dont come off me like I need your fucking approval or rep. Im not a nubie just trying to get post counts.
So get off your Highhorse all of you
love to see some pics of your lollipopped plants