

Well-Known Member
finger get caught on the . key there scroglodyte? take that rancid ass fucked up attitude elsewhere idiot, this is a one off experimental pruning grow, and it was intended to be that way from the start. if you can't deal with that you shouldn't be growing. you might be sitting there thinking "oh but that's a waste of time, buds, plants rah rah rah" but i'm not doing this for you, this is something i started due to a lack of info on the subject so i said fuck it why not i'll just stuff around with this grow. and the best part of all this? everytime i lollipopped those plants heavily the regrowth was crazy, i checked them this morning and since saturday it's been the same, crazy bat shit growth. so fuck you and your ................. cause they haven't contributed shit to this thread.


Well-Known Member
oh shit and here's the killer with you scroglodyte! you started a thread bitching about people not learning for themselves and being spoon fed their grows, yet you come on here treating me like a fool for wanting to try something just a bit different??? yet all you've sit there and show hate. :) shame on you brother


Well-Known Member
actually you know what, i ain't got time for haters and RIU is fucking full of em. i'm leaving my posts up for anyone that ever needs any info on vanilla kush, larry OG, cindy 99 and whatever else i've got on here. I've been a member on here since 2010, minded my own fucking business and tried to be a good member, post when i can, give praise, never bashed other members. yet cunts on here are just so fucking full of themselves that when someone puts up something a bit different they feel they gotta throw in their 2c. well keep your 2 cents bitch cause i never asked for it. peace the fuck out RIU, you're goin to need it


Well-Known Member
Wow, didn't know a bunch of periods was so offensive. Is that like some internet way of talking shit or something?