Long stem help


Active Member
I germinated a seed without thinking it would work, and forgot about it. I checked back a few weeks later and it was grown so much it was sprouting out of the papertowl 2". I put it in soil and under the lights. My question is will the plant fill out the long stem, or will it continue to grow higher, with no lower leaves, if that makes any sense. As of now it can no longer support it self and is being held up with a stick. Whats the best solution?


Active Member
I would re-pot it and bury it up to the bottom-most leaves and put some lights on it as close as possible. That would be the best bet to combat a long, spindly stem at a young age.


get a pot full of good soil....a deep pot...and bury the plant up to it's cotyledons( the little round leaves) it will grow roots out of the buried stem eventually, also you will now need to give it enough light to prevent this from happening again...we call it stretch