Long term storage idea


Well-Known Member
I know it would be counting ones chickens, but I think everyone shoudl be prepared and remain optimistic for future events. Wanted thoughts on this hypothetical storage idea. Plastic 55gal drum with screw on lid; buried in the ground so only the top is exposed; filled, as much as possible/necessary, with jars of cured harvest. Would this have negative affects on the quality and would this be a realistic method of long term storage of large amounts?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Do you have 5-7 lbs of worthy weed to jar up in mason jars and stack them up in a 55 gallon drum? As for if it would work, yes, as long as you are past the stage of needing to burp the jars storing weed in the ground in a 55 gallon drum full of mason jars would work. As for if the ground freezes for long lengths I'm not sure what effect that would have. Being most here can't even cure their weed for more then a week before smoking or selling it you won't get many or any replies. And 5-7 lbs of weed to most on here is a fantasy. Keep it hidden well and don't forget where it is!


Well-Known Member
Lol, thanks folks. I don't smoke myself but am growing for a friend that swears it helps with anxiety and depression... I'm skeptical. I figured I might as well have fun with it and see how much I can get. Right now I have 30 plants that have sprouted, so hopefully I will have more than just a few grams yield. :)


Active Member
I had a 5 lb harvest one year...which is way more than I needed. I buried it a barrel and it was fine, a bit dry but that can be fixed. Good luck


Well-Known Member
i started jarring a little from every harvest and putting it with my survival supplies. I was getting real annoyed smoking popcorn buds so went and got out a jar.
It was a little browner than when I jarred it but still moist and dank and sticky. I'd like to get rid of the "browning" though. I think Ill try vacuum sealing the next few batches.


Well-Known Member
I know it would be counting ones chickens, but I think everyone shoudl be prepared and remain optimistic for future events. Wanted thoughts on this hypothetical storage idea. Plastic 55gal drum with screw on lid; buried in the ground so only the top is exposed; filled, as much as possible/necessary, with jars of cured harvest. Would this have negative affects on the quality and would this be a realistic method of long term storage of large amounts?

55 gallon plastic drum works however keep in mind if it rains it can float right out.....been there done that, everything was fine but it was no longer hidden and mon first thought someone found and pulled out.

Keep da PIMP hand STRONG!!