Longest flower ever?


Ok so this plant has been flowering now for 9 weeks and 5 days so almost a full ten weeks. It appears to be about 75% sativa. Bagseed. My concern is that ALL of the pistils are still white! I posted pics at week 4, and the responses I got were that it is a 12 week plant, but considering all white hairs, is it possible it could take longer? They are under a mix of CFL's, HPS, and MH light. Totalling about 7,000lumens per sqf. Temps at top of plant are about 85 with good circulation and the bottom about 78. Humidity is always around 50%. A few weeks ago, they maybe were under a bit of stress from changing over to a different light sched. Basically the lights were on from 8a to 8p and I needed to switch it to be on from 8p to 8a...Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also, they get a full strength fox farm tiger bloom feeding once a week, and are in organic soil. Its 21" tall and in a 3 gallon container. Distilled water. Thanks

*Anything I post on this forum is untrue* :)



Well-Known Member
Some plants can take 16 weeks to completely flower. I doubt that will be the case with yours. I've found that the Tiger Bloom from Fox Farms isn't as essential as the other two. You might want to get your hands on a different flowering nute to go along with the Tiger Bloom. Also, can you show a a picture of the entire plant?


Well-Known Member
Its difficult to say how much longer, but its probably going to take AT LEAST another 3+ weeks. Some more pictures might be a little more helpful. You're just going to have to stay patient and I can't emphasize that enough. You've grown this plant for this long already, it would be a huge waste to cut it down too early and not let it reach its full potential. As always a 30X magnifying glass will be your friend. Have you taken a look at any of the trich's with one? You may want to go ahead and begin the flushing process once a week from here on out as well. One thing is for sure, that girl still has some weight she's going to pack on with so much pistil production occuring. You will probably start seeing a lot more resin production as well in these last few weeks. Looks like it will be some wicked smoke man. Good job waiting this one out, just let her keep doing her thing and good luck.


Well-Known Member
you really cant say the time frame for flowering with cfl's...just not enough light imo...seems a 8-9 week strain will go 12 and still not look totaly finished not in every case but in a lot that i have seen...


Well-Known Member
By the way, the finished product is going to be one hairy assed bitch lol. I love it man, I think you may be working with some haze genetics. Be sure to give a final smoke report when you are done if you don't mind. I bet its going to have a SOARING high.


Well-Known Member
the hairs can turn all red in a week, but what you really ought to look for it the color of the trichs. 20-40% amber is my preference on when to pull, but you will get more weight the longer you wait.


Well-Known Member
Yep, you need to get a magnifying glass and look at those trichs. If you have one on you, let us know what they are looking like. A lot of plants will really add a ton of resin in the last couple weeks. I bet that things about to turn really frosty. Oh and once again, do you have any other kind of blooming nutes? It looks like the Tiger bloom may be giving it too much Nitrogen for this stage in its growth. You really might want to switch to a different blooming nute with less N.


Active Member
the hairs can turn all red in a week, but what you really ought to look for it the color of the trichs. 20-40% amber is my preference on when to pull, but you will get more weight the longer you wait.

i wouldnt try to judge the age of the plant by the colors of the hairs. some strains, especially sativas, can finish with all white hairs. a sign to look for is when they retract back into the calyxes and start to fatten up. then check those trichs with a magnifying glass they are cheap. clear cloudy for uplifting stone or cloudy and dark amber for heavier body stone up to your preference


**update** checked trichomes today with 60x and they are half clear half cloudy. Now beginning weekten. 5% red hairs


BTT. Update: lower small branch buds are showing 15% red hairs. Main cola hairs are 5% red. All trichs are half cloudy half clear. Been flowering now for almost 11 weeks. Any estimates? I want to harvest when the trichs are at least all cloudy with 10-25% amber. It's in soil under 350w hps, cfl and mh.


Active Member
i have a question, i am flowering under cfls, there is only two plants, they have been flowering for 45 days now and look like they still have awhile to go. i am wondering if there is a such thing as flowering to long?

the hairs are all still all white, some of the tips are begining to turn a red color but not many at all. what are other signs i can look for to see if there done?


i have a question, i am flowering under cfls, there is only two plants, they have been flowering for 45 days now and look like they still have awhile to go. i am wondering if there is a such thing as flowering to long?

the hairs are all still all white, some of the tips are begining to turn a red color but not many at all. what are other signs i can look for to see if there done?
you need to get a 30x - 100x microscope like the ones hydro shops sell. They are super easy to use. You look at your trichomes with it. Those are your crystals. They start out clear then get cloudy and eventually turn amber. Harvest when your trichomes are all cloudy or partly amber and cloudy. This will be accompanied by your hairs being mostly red.