Longest time for a seed to start?

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Hey Guys,

I am starting to get a little nervous my baby may not work out. My friend gave me a northern lights fem seed and also a rapid rooter to start off the plant. I soaked the RR for 24hrs in distilled water and a drop of thrive alive red squeezed out the water and popped my seed in. That's all my friend has had to do and has had 100% germ rates so far with 6 plants. After about 5 days went by nothing was out yet I peeked in and there was a little root popping out of the seed. A few more days went by and still nothing substantial was there so I ripped the RR open to investigate and the seed had germinated, and had about a 1/4-1/2" root starting to turn to stem and could see the small beginnings of leaves inside of the seed starting to form and cracking the seed off. I put it in a 3x3 pot the size of a solo cup with fox farm light warrior about a 1/4" down and made the soil moist before planting. It's been 2 days and nothing has sprouted yet. I've let the soil get to the drier side before I water again and am certain I'm not overwatering.

How much do you normally water a freshly germinated seed and what's the longest it's taken to see it pop up from the dirt?
A friend said he thinks it looked no good period. It was outside and got flooded with rainwater on the 2nd day but after that j brought it inside. He thought it looked like it would never work out at all. Let me know what you guys think. I'm starting another ASAP just in case..


Well-Known Member
Dont uncover the seed, you risk tearing roots and hairs plus light will stop root growth. It may have some rot...
If the shell sticks on the seed it can keep it from sprouting, sometimes gently removing the shell is necessary.

What i do...
Germ in wet papertowel with chlorinated tap water at 80-82°, place inside open gallon bag to keep moisture. 24-36 hrs later taproot has emerged and is ready for transplant. Wet soil the night before and till, or moisten till it will compact and hold its shape, either way tilling before inserting seed is important. The seed does not necessarily have to be covered. You want very little dirt. I use solo cups..
Place sandwich bag over the cup and put in the dark at 80-82° still, ideally you should have beads of water on the bag.
When the shell falls off its ready for side lighting, when first true sets of leaves form its ready for whatever..usually about 4 days total

This will have the highest rates


Well-Known Member
If they're stunted early, it could cause them to grow slow, if at all. Later on.

I'd start another seed.

Seedlings are the toughest part imo for new growers. Once you get a couple to harden off you'll hit a groove and the plant will run the show.

Looks like you germed right, but that 2nd day flood sounds like trouble to me.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3436941 View attachment 3436942 View attachment 3436944 Hey Guys,

I am starting to get a little nervous my baby may not work out. My friend gave me a northern lights fem seed and also a rapid rooter to start off the plant. I soaked the RR for 24hrs in distilled water and a drop of thrive alive red squeezed out the water and popped my seed in. That's all my friend has had to do and has had 100% germ rates so far with 6 plants. After about 5 days went by nothing was out yet I peeked in and there was a little root popping out of the seed. A few more days went by and still nothing substantial was there so I ripped the RR open to investigate and the seed had germinated, and had about a 1/4-1/2" root starting to turn to stem and could see the small beginnings of leaves inside of the seed starting to form and cracking the seed off. I put it in a 3x3 pot the size of a solo cup with fox farm light warrior about a 1/4" down and made the soil moist before planting. It's been 2 days and nothing has sprouted yet. I've let the soil get to the drier side before I water again and am certain I'm not overwatering.

How much do you normally water a freshly germinated seed and what's the longest it's taken to see it pop up from the dirt?
Germination Stage - 1-7 days Seedling Stage 1-2 weeks - Vegation stage next - Pre-flower - Flower - then Harvest


Well-Known Member
Germing a seed is sooooooo easy, but people over think it to the max.

2 small plates
2x paper towel doubled
misted until damp
place seed
cover (no need for certain temp,darkness blah blah)
check daily/mist when towel is drying
within 2-3 days seed is germed and ready to plant

no need for fucking ph'd water, soaking for a bazillion years, rooting agent etc etc other bollox retards read off the web by 'pro growers'....

100 percent germ rate here.


Well-Known Member
How many did you run in your trials?

Ive expiremented in 2° increments and it is the biggest factor by far. Not only in speed of germ but success rates and mold growth- root rot , damping off.
Light plays a big role in hormonal responses that convert cells into roots. This is how plants can grow along the ground and effectively propogate/clone themselves. Or why tree roots that are exposed have bark. If your little babies are exposed to light your rates will be reduced.

Sure you can get some maybe a good portion to make it. But far from 100%. Ive grown thousands of seeds and done many trials, i assure you that the best methods are as i described.


Well-Known Member
All cannabis forum related nonsense I'm afraid. I've sprouted thousands of seeds using the above technique. Not once has anything failed to sprout. All this other nonsense is 'snake oil'.


Well-Known Member
Well first nothing of what i said came from a forum..as explained, ive done many tests..and studied how mj, as well as any other plant works..

Now you say not once has anything failed to sprout..no grower on riu has ever had such a success rate.

I bow down in your mere presence..
The seed was no good. I didn't use the rapid rooter properly plus I had it outside at a point and a heavy rain soaked it, and I never squeezed it out enough. After 3 days I dug into the soil and it was all shriveled up. I used to always use the paper towel method then directly to soil and my buddy convinced me to use the rapid rooter to start the seed. Oh well, you live and learn, just bummed out I wasted a sensi northern lights seed. I am starting a white widow today. Gotta get it outside soon!