Longest you stored a seed for??


Well-Known Member
Have a stash that is 2+ years right now. Had a Dinafem Power Kush that was harvested in January that was a freebie bought with autoflowers 2 years ago. Always store them in a dark and cool place.


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine has seeds his parents had been collecting for years, i'd have to say they are any where from 15-20+ years. they always take a while to germ, but he manages to have a pretty good ratio of success.

the seeds had been keep in a air tight jar that prevents light from getting in & thats about it.


Well-Known Member
Last year I grew 15-30 year old seeds that were kept in the freezer. I wasn't expecting much, but damn 90% germed.


Well-Known Member
petflora, i was wondering if you did anything special to the seeds, did you add sea weed extract, or soak them in H2o solution, did you use the paper towel method, or plant directly? thnx..


Active Member
hopefully on good advice, my extras are stored in a air tight container, with some rice to absorb any moisture, and I keep them in my spare fridge.... is that too cold? With the comment about the beans being stored in the freezer I cant imagine the fridge is too cold... just curious..

Plus if you see next months attitude deal, and are preparing to act on it, like myself, I may have quite a few beans in need of a good storage place....