Maybe I'm just different.Sex was painful for me for a long time.I still get times when the damn thing feels like it "closed up" on me,we have to work it in.Orgasms are nice and all, and yes, I've had them, I think they're better with a vibe, but drugs last so much longer.I love to give head, though, that's an awesome thing that I'm good at and enjoy doing.It's probably because I'm in control of the situation.We've had sex for a long time before,the man I'm with now,when we had adderall and stuff,but I tend to dry out, and once I cum once, that's it, I go numb.Once I blew him for five hours, that was fun, lol.Men can have some amazing orgasms if you back them off and bring them back up several times.
man I am the biggest stoner I know. I still don't agree with this. Anyone that says something like this must not have a very good partner.
Some drugs make sex better but even sober it is THE greatest feeling, you just have to put in some effort. You can really just sit there and space out and be happy like you can with drugs. Its all about getting back what you put into sex (no puns I sware).
Even if someone knows how to use their body well, its still a matter of connecting on a mental level and then that is full love and nothing feels better. nothing