Long's Peak Blue Grow Journal

The Growery

Active Member
There have been a lot of requests to get a cut of this strain, cuts will be ready in about 1 month in the metro d area.

The Growery

Active Member
After discussing preventative maintenance and seeing how mosquito dunks effect the plants, I have changed the protocol to SNS 203 systemic every other week, azamax and neem oil spray every other week. I've found SNS 203 to be effective, organic and does not cause the plant leaves to sag. same with axamax. was going to use AVID but after reading up on it decided to pass on the hazmat suit and respirator. some may say I'm going overboard but for a few bucks a plant I feel it's worth it to avoid any pests in the future.

The Growery

Active Member
they may chew on a plant stem, but gnats don't enter the damn plant. systemic my ass
I'm just going off the advice of a friend of mine who has a master's in plant biology (doesn't grow cannabis but does research at WSU on greenhouse conditions in agriculture). He checked one of my harvested plant's soil mass, root ball and stem and showed me small "peppercorns" inside the main stem at the base where the tap root comes out. apparently these are fungus gnat eggs. systemic or not I'm just glad to have them gone completely, finally.


New Member
Pretty sure abes an msu horticultural alum... And 100% sure hes correct.

corso. Rotating products refers to changing the mode of action the preventative takes not the names of the products. Instead of neem amd azamax just use azamax. Its purer and stronger. Switch out the neem for something youre comfortable with that has a different mode of action. Stay away from drenches if possible with anything systemic (meaning it travels thru the xylem and the phloem). Im seeing definitive proof (with my own eyes after learning of another persons suspicions) that azamax as a drench in or near 12/12 can cause back neck and gut tension and if used in flower can cause back and neck pain.

people will bawk at this but my favorite is an eagle20/avid douche 10 days before flower.

The Growery

Active Member
Pretty sure abes an msu horticultural alum... And 100% sure hes correct.
I wasn't trying to disprove or disagree with abe, was just explaining how I came to the idea that fungus gnats could go systemic, certainly doesn't make it true but when I ask 10 different people about systemic gnats I get 10 different answers, kind of confusing.


New Member
Thank you abe. I was thinking the same thing.

To me systemic means within the plant. Like a spray that is applied to leaves would be topical, and a drench that the roots uptake (within the plant) would be systemic.

I don't know how any bug other than a microorganism could be systemic??
they are systemic in my system not my plants. Actually systemic in my home now. Just like barn cats. Always there.... Somewhere


Well-Known Member
Smell and flavor. And it's different (different as in better) than any bb i've had.
I wasnt' even a big bb fan cuz I always related bb as in not very string.
The LPB has the smell, flavor, AND huge yield!


Well-Known Member
I switch off the azamax neem n mighty wash...the only problem with the mw is some strains get stressed if you leave on, so now I blast em with water 12 hours after the mw.


New Member
Smell and flavor. And it's different (different as in better) than any bb i've had.
I wasnt' even a big bb fan cuz I always related bb as in not very string.
The LPB has the smell, flavor, AND huge yield!
sweet i may have t work on getting a cut of this.thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
I have several in my cloner right now.
Belle will be going to GR to see her brother within the next few weeks.
They put his ass on a tether and won't let me come see him yet.
(co-defendant shit, feds are still butt hurt about)


Well-Known Member
I'm smoking some Long's Peak right now. Nice bump.
Great flavor, very potent and yields well above average.
Belle will be heading downstate wed/thurs with LPB clones.


Well-Known Member
was really hoping this thread would have been kept updated. excited about my lpb's. it'll be awhile before they make it to the flower room though.


Well-Known Member
I'm smoking some Long's Peak right now. Nice bump.
Great flavor, very potent and yields well above average.
Belle will be heading downstate wed/thurs with LPB clones.
I'm going to try and see if I can come up with the funds to procure a couple more. I'll keep you posted bongsmilie