look at my plant :/


Active Member
This is a small 200 watt grow im trying to do, i will start flowering during christmas. Two questions i to ask. Whats wrong with the leaves? and whats the estimate amount of yield i should expect. All i kn
ow its some type of kush its about 20 days old, any ball park estimate based on knowledge would be greatfull



Well-Known Member
Are you feeding that thing already?
Why is it such a dark green?
Do you have drainage in whatever that container is?
If you want answers, we need info, and hopefully some better pics.
For starters, I would suggest a fan, and more light, but beyond that, with no info................:neutral:

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Well judging from the pic looks a little burnt on the tips of the leaves. What soil are you using, any nutes? Temps, humidity? Name as much as you can and it'll be easier for us guys to give you the right advice :)

Another a week or 2 should see a decent improvement in size if your feeding schedule is right. Also drooping leaves generally means it's too wet, are you letting it dry an inch or so on the top?


Well-Known Member
I would be more concerned about keeping it alive then yield at this point. Give some info maybe you can get some help on here.


Active Member
i predict 1 8th of medioker bud.

do sum research and and make sure you got the setup to do it.


Well-Known Member
This is a small 200 watt grow im trying to do, i will start flowering during christmas. Two questions i to ask. Whats wrong with the leaves? and whats the estimate amount of yield i should expect. All i kn
ow its some type of kush its about 20 days old, any ball park estimate based on knowledge would be greatfull
To much Nutes.
Ball park on yield...hmm Not much. But, enough to smoke.

PS..check your Ph.

Good Luck, try again


Well-Known Member
Miriclegrow fail :lol: wtf is that thing acting as a pot?

Sorry OP haha, but if you don't tell us your medium type and feeding scedule etc, nobody can give any helpfull thoughts :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Not sure what Nutes or the concentration you are giving every 3 days.
What I would do.
Delay your Flip. Flush with Ph water. Then give light nutes. Give her a week or two, more in Veg.
Get those temps down a bit:o


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is does there seem to be a bit of nitrogen over dose? Over dose the nitrogen, and you get over dose.