Look at my plants > wow


Active Member
Hello everyone This my 1st ProGrow .
I got some seeds from a pal of mines about a month back, BlueberryCheese is the strain . </p> I could not wait because i love blueberry and cheese strains so much and all i hear is talk of cheese and blueberry hmmmmmmmm </p> He only gave me 2xFemales and i got some Bubblegum seeds in a shop in holland it said serious seeds on the packet . </p> Any way heres what they look like now The Blueberry Cheese looks strange to me When compaired to the Bubblegum .Ive never seen a plant like this before </p> Can anyone tell me what is wrong please or can you tell me what i am doing wrong


Well-Known Member
i laughed at the first plants... the others looks fine.

and i laughed cuz they look funny. not tryin to make u feel bad. i think i would laugh at them if they were mine... so its nothin against you.


Well-Known Member
they look bad imo,but u can put all the work in the world into a plant and basicly it boils down to,either it grows right or it doesnt,u can spend like 5bucks and get a nice lookin plant or u could spend like 50000 and get shitty plants,its all experience and genetics.when something happens dont freak,learn from it and use that knowlege in the future for any shitty plants that can be rebounded


Active Member
I did laugh at them myself and all my friends also, peoples has been telling me he gave me tomato seeds instead of BlueberryCheese, Is there such a strain as blueberrycheese ? . what can i do to fix this ?


Active Member
looks like too rich of nutrients in soil and not enough water, put them in water and then its hard to fuck them up lol
Check this out - https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/105029-build-your-own-dwc-bubbleponics.html#post1258464
Thanks for that but i Just do not have the time to make things I just want some top quality bud for cmasIve been doing every thing right so far my friend helps me look after them if any thing goes wrong , He told me he has never seen any weed like that before and laughed like youse lol ..... The other 1s seem healthy to me, im not sure if it is nutrient damage, would that make my plant grow this way ? ..


Active Member
Whats a mutant ? I checked the plant problems page and could not find any thing like my babies .. Should i just dump the blueberry cheese and carry on with the bubblegum Is blueberry cheese a good grow ?

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I know you don't want to hear this but you have already broken the golden rule...at least for me. That was allowing "friends" to see your grow. It's understandable that your friend that gave you the seed would know but outside of that you are only asking for trouble. NEVER, EVER, advertise your plants regardless of the situation.

As far as your blueberry/cheese, what is your PH and are you using nutes?


Active Member
I know you don't want to hear this but you have already broken the golden rule...at least for me. That was allowing "friends" to see your grow. It's understandable that your friend that gave you the seed would know but outside of that you are only asking for trouble. NEVER, EVER, advertise your plants regardless of the situation.

As far as your blueberry/cheese, what is your PH and are you using nutes?
I have not used nute,s and i keep the ph levels at around 6.5 / 7 thats what i was told to keep it at ............

I do not mind if my friends know where my plants are we are always there and they have more than me , No 1 to worry about all the pol-ice lol,
I thought posting my pic on here would be worse advertising ? ....
I seen brown dirt posts on here my hero lol thats how i found this site . i think he would attract the wrong people ,The many people that is after him lol .. we shoulld have CID FBI every 1 on here looking him lol

So i should hang on to the mutant and ride it out . Will i not be laughed at for my weird weed ?

Ive never heard of a mutant plant . How can Blueberry cheese the two best strains to me be a mutant ? I do not understand ,This is the 1st i have heard of a mutant plant


Active Member
I think they mean mutant as in just kinda retarded. As in, a mutation in the genetics of that specific seed. Anything organic by the laws of nature CAN turn out to grow slightly...wrong? or if not wrong by our own standards, different. It's like people.