Look at my set up With Pictures---->-Newbie


Before i get to my point id like to say i know what your thinking, yet another newbie fooling around, she doesnt even know whats happening well Everyone at one point was a newbie and well, the most u could do for me is be patient and help me a little, here and there:)

Ill give u the pictures to see what im working with [and in an attempt to distract your boredom onto these lovely pictures!]


Well heres my set up, Im glad to mave spent the last hours of 2012 making my stealth grow in a pc case and it was definately something to be proud of!
Now all i need now are the right bulbs [CFLS] , looking to plant just 1 plant and dont want the trouble of buying loads of things.
Heres my NEED to buy list so far...

Appropriate CFL lights [Not too sure what wattage ill need.... would i need a variety for the veg and flowering stage? please help me out.

Appropriate Nutrients, from where im from ive no idea where to purchase what from =/

Seeds, looking to grow me some of "The Doctor"


.,, I have 1 intake and 1 exhaust, top is intake [cool air should cool down the bulbs]
bottom in the exhaust.
thinking about going 18 light 6 darkness form the point i see leaves....
then switching to flowering by a 12/12 cycle.

If you require any other enquiries or have ANY suggestions Please do let me know

Hope this goes well! im really dedicated and determined to yield my first crop :)


Well-Known Member
Bigger Fan should be exhaust and since heat rises, it is in the correct place... on top..., you want negitive pressure... also I'm not sure about aluminum foil... I think it heats up...Take it out, and paint everything flat white might be better...


Well-Known Member
PC case grows are unique due to the very limited space. I have never done one, and would encourage you to search for PC grow journals for some specific advice. Try this link
Here is one tip I learned from a past grow - CFL Lights: 23w 6500k for veg, 23w 2700k for flowering

Good luck with your 2013 'stealth grow in a pc case' !


Active Member
My god wait till you get a good space! Good gonja doesn't need to be confined to a pc case jail! Just wait or move out! I respect your enthusiasm but you'll just get busted by dorm staff or daddy! Fuck stealth out grow the gov!


Well-Known Member
That's going to be tough, especially for a first grow with so little space to work with. Why are you doing it in a PC case?


Well-Known Member
Normally exhaust is at the top, intake at the bottom. as someone said, heat rises so you want to blow out the hot air. i can't imagine trying to grow in such a small place. I am a newbie too. if you google any questions, you will find answers in these forums, and lots of differing opinions on things. I highly recommend viewing first grow as a total experiment with low expectations for yield but high for learning.

I opted for Fox Farms nutes (grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom) trio. Happy so far but still early.

for the CFLs,you want to make sure you are using the bright daylight for veg and the soft white for flower. you can find the particulars on specs on other threads. How much you need seems to be a topic for debate, thus my advice to use as a test first time. if she's stretching, then you will know you need more light.