look at photos, please help!


Active Member
Ok the grow room is my first, it is a closet with concrete walls and tile floor. I have a LED light and plan on using soil. I am totally new so all the advice the better! i have included pictures please help!

Here is my led light: i have a 180 watt LED light, equal or greater than a 600HPS. here is the link to the exact LED from Haight Solid State...


180W LED Grow Light
The ideal size for both vegetative growth and flowering of full sun loving plants
Covers up to 4x4 ft
31 - 6W wide beam LEDs
Red, blue and white LEDs for a complete full spectrum
Separate High/Low power control for blue/white and red
120V indoor use only
15 x 20 x 1 inch
3.5 lbs

Here are pictures of my room, sorry you have to tilt your head...

1. Do i need ventilation? how do i do it in a closet the only way air gets in now is under the door....

2. do i need to line the walls with that reflective stuff? what is it called?

3. how do i manage smell?

4. Is there anything i am forgetting, i am planning on getting clones this week what is my next step? my light has settings for veg and flower...can i use the light once i get the clones?

If you want to help please answer these questions...im sorry im such a noob but gotta start somewhere...

Is this good soil? how much do i put in the buckets? to the top?

Bat Guano and Nutrients (honey Bee), when do i use this stuff? lol



Well-Known Member
hello mate, just paint the walls white, get some fans in to circulate the air if you cant install extractor can you leave the door open, leds dont get as hot as hps or mh but they will soon warm up a grow room with no ventilation. clones can go straight under the lights, leave the soil about 1" below the tops of pots, you will need a carbon filter for the smell, but it looks like you dont have the room , take a look at ona gel or something similar instead, i just use b&q compost and feed when required, that light needs to be like 4" above plants max, crack on get them babies in there, and enjoy...


Well-Known Member
Hi Solar :)

I find it a bit bizzar that you have gon out and spent $500 + without finding out about ventilation , Carbon Filters and Mylar ?

So far your set up looks pretty good , If you allready have white walls you will not " Need " any reflective Mylar ... but it will make a slight difference if you do .

Nutrients should be used in very small amounts with young plants and increase as the plant gets used to them ... refer to instuctions on the bottle .

Ok with all that said ...I really think you need to invest some TIME ...To read as MUCH as you can here , If you go in blind you will make many mistakes and ether kill your plants or end up with a very disopointing crop .

You need to be patient ... this can't be rushed .... Spend 2 weeks hear reading the plant problems of others and LEARN from mistakes made by others .. You will be glad you did .... If you think its just a matter of sticking a few plants in pots and turning on a light ... your in for a shock !... Do your home work ....The questions you have allready asked are BASIC and the info is allready here on this site in the stickys .... Trust me on this , A lot of people here will just pass by your post if your asking questions that you could have answered yourself in 20 seconds just by clicking a few buttons ... take my word on that ... and get reading :)

Good Luck and have fun :)
remember ..patience ..reading :)

V :peace:


You will need some kind of ventilation to keep clean air comming into the room and exausting it back out ... this will allso help to regulate temps if you do it right .

Yes you fill the pots to the top :) , Leave about an inch or so empty for top feeding as your soil will swell up when you water .

To manage smell you will need a Carbon Filter IN your room hooked up to an extraction fan to exaust the scrubbed air out of the room .

You can use your light right away yes ....Get it as close to your plants as you can without them being to hot , Place your hand between the LED's and the tops of your plants ( should be pretty cool ) and adjust the hight untill its comfy for your hand :)

Not sure about your soil , But from what i see here it should be fine


Well-Known Member
hello mate, just paint the walls white, get some fans in to circulate the air if you cant install extractor can you leave the door open, leds dont get as hot as hps or mh but they will soon warm up a grow room with no ventilation. clones can go straight under the lights, leave the soil about 1" below the tops of pots, you will need a carbon filter for the smell, but it looks like you dont have the room , take a look at ona gel or something similar instead, i just use b&q compost and feed when required, that light needs to be like 4" above plants max, crack on get them babies in there, and enjoy...
Spot on :)

+ Rep :)


Well-Known Member
check the manufacturor suggestion on the height of that LED lamp above your grow. Most suggest no closer than 12 - 18 " due to high PARs. It is possible to "burn" your younger plants with too much light intensity, especially if that LED light system jams.


Active Member
since i have no ventilation in this room how should i construct a cabinet? can i get away with cheap fans? i can not afford these expensive fans and filters!


Well-Known Member
you must have some sort of ventilation or you are going to be pissing in the wind. can you drill some holes in the door or walls, cheap fans will do to keep the air moving, try to take a temp. now and let us now what you got..