look at this bud


Well-Known Member
i've seen pics of these, but in all my 20+ years of growing i've never seen one in person. until now.

it's on one of my "biddy early". i see 2 or 3 like this. the rest of the buds are normal. i'll get more pics up shortly.

004.jpg 007.jpg 010.jpg


Well-Known Member
yes those are nice as fuck my man ,

iv never seen them shaped like that before !


Well-Known Member
My jack the ripper did that on one of the plants the first time I grew it out from seed. I took clones but none of the clones have ever done it again. You're bud looks almost exactly like mine did, oval shaped with fucking leaves growing out of it everywhere. It ended up being a really dense nug but it didn't get anywhere near as large as I thought it would.


Well-Known Member
cool i have never seen one in person but someone had something similar on here too. i wonder how she will smhoke?


Well-Known Member
i had a 1 cola like that it grew into the cfl and got burnt and ended up with a crazy bud formation like that, turned out to be the fattest bud from the plant :)