Look At This Drug Bust!!!!


Active Member
I don't think I would make it as a DEA agent. I would think that they would not miss a million, maybe even two. lol


Active Member
the last time i see that kinda paper was in the movie 'blow' with johnny depp. those fuckers too greedy!!


Well-Known Member
that just makes me sick to my stomache seeing money like that takin away from some1

fuck governments


Well-Known Member
thats coke loot. straight outta columbia cabrone!! what are you gonna do with that much cash other than sit on it, it not gonna fit in you carry-on bag, and you sure can't show up at a bank and ask to deposit a truck load of cash. just imagine the look on the tellers face.


Active Member
well if you believe what you see on TV. On the Sorprano's, Carmela deposited only $9,900 so the government would not be informed. Not sure how correct but still makes on think......?


Well-Known Member
well if you believe what you see on TV. On the Sorprano's, Carmela deposited only $9,900 so the government would not be informed. Not sure how correct but still makes on think......?
You can deposit 9,999.99 and the bank is required to report it. Deposit $10,000 and they are required to report.


Well-Known Member
their are more of these houses. this money is believed to be tied to the columbian cartel. the houses are abandon in mexico. people smuggle millions of los. of coke a year. you do this and you wouldnt have enuf room to stack your cash either. they said they have found more than 80 tons just in american cash all bills over 20's


Well-Known Member
Guys Im pretty shure they stack the money in there until it can be properly launderd.

thats usually how it works I think. you need to turn ilegitamate funds into grade A 100% legal

thats how they cought Capone


Well-Known Member
you all are correct in a sense. Yes the money has to be laundered. And yes this is what they are waiting for. The problem with making this kind of money is that the money comes in much faster then it can be laundered. So you basically get a vicious snowball effect of cash (which i would love to have lol). The cartels use the abandoned houses to stack there cash and slowly launder it. The problem comes is that the house just slowly fills up because the money cannot be laundered fast enough. Think of it.... Imagine suppling the entire East coast Cocain supply, remember this is only the west coast. You would have to import approx. 1000 Kilos a month. Maybe even more this day in age. At that much of a bulk import you can get a Kilo of grade A coke for $500 U.S. That is 500,000 a month you are spending. Do you know the resale value as soon as it crosses into the U.S.? Aprrox. $15,000. Young buck ten a key is bullshit lol. Thats some grade D bullshit blow. Anyway so these big dogs selling it for 15 a key, So that's 15 million a month. And you acutally made 14.5 mil. Thats serious dough. What you gonna do with all that cash? Nothing, you cant spend it, you cant wash it it comes in to fast. So they sit on it. Sounds stupid to be that big into selling to me. Id love to have money, but not that i cant spend, what a waste.


Well-Known Member
If I had that kind of money, I would make my own bank, and then I would never question myself of deposting over 10 grand.


Active Member
Your guesstimate was a bit off...I raed somewhere that it was like $200+ million in USD and like several more million in Euro's or Peso's or some shit like that. Total it was like $280 million I think.