Look at this...


Active Member
There was someone on this thread that said I have like 5 weeks left well tomorrow is week 5 then someone else said I have like 2-3 weeks left idk?Does the thc in a plant decrease when left out too long to bud?
DSC01354.jpg (57.3 KB)


Well-Known Member
yah pics not workin yo

i heard the THC decreases if left out too long, cause you don't want it break up to dust,
prob jus a good week or elss


Well-Known Member
It's good now if you want. If you harvest a little earlier you will have more of a head high, laughing. If you wait a week or two (or until most of the white hairs are red) you'll have more of a body high, couch glue. It's your choice, if you harvest before any hairs are red or after 80-90% are red then your to early or to late. A better way to tell is if you look at the little crystals on each little leaf with a magnifiying , once they have a kinda big top or bubble (although it's not a bubble) It's time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
It's good now if you want. If you harvest a little earlier you will have more of a head high, laughing. If you wait a week or two (or until most of the white hairs are red) you'll have more of a body high, couch glue. It's your choice, if you harvest before any hairs are red or after 80-90% are red then your to early or to late. A better way to tell is if you look at the little crystals on each little leaf with a magnifiying , once they have a kinda big top or bubble (although it's not a bubble) It's time to harvest.
I don't think you quite know what your talking about. No answer would have been better then the wrong one. Not trying to be a dick. To better judge when your done you go by the color of the Trichomes. Not the shape of them or the color of the hairs(pistils). Here's a chart someone uploaded.



Active Member
Thanks guys need to look at it more closely..Any suggestions on what to do after I cut it.How long to let it dry upside down before I can smoke it? Outside,inside....?


Well-Known Member
most people say hang it upside-down for 1-2 weeks in the dark. other people probably know better.


Well-Known Member
there's a lot of online things saying about 1-2 weeks. you can do it quicker (a microwave or an oven) but the taste won't be as good, or so I've heard.