sorry matt, dont mean to jack your thread
i germed 8 each of the pure and aurora b. standard 24 hour soaking in water, then straight to an NFT style incubater with coco pellets. there they vegged for 10 days while cracking on 24 hours constant light 2" from 2 x 4100k t8 floros.
after showing first true node, were switched to a 12/12 sched, 400w MH, 20 inches distance, where they currently reside.
soil mix is 10% vermiculite, 20% perlite, 80% mg organic soil (60%peat 20%mulch 10% chicken manure 10% topsoil) that was ammended with potash,lime, bonemeal and bloodmeal.
gave them a very mild dose of 5-1-1 alaska fish emultion (1/2 tbs per gal) to kickstart biologicals about 24hrs after transplant