look what i found


Well-Known Member
grow 142.jpggrow 141.jpggrow 140.jpg

Look what i found !!!!!![/h]
wanted to know why 1 of my plants was so small ?
now i know look at the root formation there is none
It was in mix of potting mix , perlite and vermiculite
all other plants are doing great
what gives?
i will germ another seed now then plant in same pot and see what happens

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Maybe you could try a cloning procedure on the root knuckle at the bottom to get it rooting more. Cut it 45 degrees and then split that in in the center, apply rooting hormone and see what happens...


Well-Known Member
its fine, just hasnt rooted yet. Uusually it will discolor and look about dead when it starts to shoot roots out. If its still greeen and no roots it just needs more time


Active Member
I've never seen any plant with a structure that big and no root system, the root system is usually the first to establish itself before any foliage starts to appear.