
Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr bud..

hey look pretty darn GOOD! They look like they have at least 2-4 weeks left. How long have you been flowering? The plant on the far right picture looks like it may be more ripe than the others and may be ready sooner...

A lot of people like to water with plain water for the last 1-2 watering during flowering..



Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for your reply.i ain't really kept any dates.but think they been on 12/12 for like nearly 2 months.if i don't feed plain water 1-2 weeks before the harvest will the bud taste of nutrient? im hoping not. not bad for a first time grow eh? and all the problems i had throughout the grow they could of died countless amount of times times.
i gotta shot off for a bit but i'll pop on later.maybe speak to ya then
see ya


Well-Known Member
Buy a 30 power magnifyier to check the trichs. Patients is a virtue. Glad to here you made it through all of that. I can smell the one on the right from here. VV


Well-Known Member
Mr. BudSmoker,

Great job on your first grow. There is just something special about being able to kick back and smoke something which came from your own work. :D Enjoy and let us know how it smokes.



Well-Known Member
The one on the right looks to be indica dominant, this is getting close to finish but it does appear to be lacking in the red pistil department, the other two on the left look to be sativa dominant and also a way off finishing,

my guess would be the one on the right possible around 2 weeks, the other 2 at least 4 i would say


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all the help and advice.I definately wouldn't have got this far without this site and studying it almost every night lol..Are the two different types of plant indica/sativa totally different highs? wat are some of the sativa strains out there? im thinking the bid budded one might be jack herrer but im no boff and its just a guess. can't wait smoke that son of a bitch.....


Well-Known Member
daughter of a bitch.

Your close, best advice I would say is get one of the 100x magnifying glasses from radioshack........ because they do work and to be patient...

other than that, congrats


Well-Known Member
Yeah...i just got the 60x-100x microscope...had to look around to find it..it was hidden down towards the bottom...good thing i found it cause i was bout ready 2 buy a 30x magnifying glass for about the same price. The one i got cost about 10 bucks and has a light, focus and zoom...pretty cheap for 10 bucks. Radio shack. I almost had to compose myself from laughing when the cashier said "i use something similar to look at money real close"...i thought to myself "I'll be looking at something green, but no money".


Well-Known Member
Dude your plants do look delicious!

Some people call the lower buds "sucker buds" cause they suck the plants energy away from the main cola. So you might want to pick them. There is talk of trimming some of the lower leaves, while that will improve airflow, and reduce the chance of mold. My concern is also about light penetration, and I don't think you have a problem with airflow.

So far as trimming leaves, that's a debate that will never end. Since you asked my opinion, here it is, I would trim some leaves, I found that the light was not penetrating as far down as I wanted, so I trimmed some (a few) of the upper leaves at 20 days from harvest, and again at 10 days from harvest.

Please remember it is much easier to not trim enough leaves, and come back tomorrow and trim some more leaves off, than it is to try to crazy-glue those suckers back into place, cause you've cut too many off.

Point is, don't go crazy. At 20 days from harvest, you arent going to hurt anything, and the increased (light) penetration may help.


Well-Known Member
The pistils on the lower bud site are still pale tho and are not turning red just yet so is it a good idea to pick these buds off,also if i do pick them do i cut them off or literally pull them off with my hands?


Well-Known Member
Gently pull them off with your hands, if you need scissors, grab em, but remember....dont run with scissors! LoL


Well-Known Member
i find that sativas are a more motivational high and thought provoking. indicas being more of a couchlock in your face type of dont want to move high. i grow both because i like the sativa in my morning bowl of weedy's and during the day i blend the two and at night its indica before bed. eating sativas tend to be peppery and even spicey. indicas, depending on the strain can be anywhere from fruity to lemon or orange. sage, or herb tones. being up to debate, ill give my opinion, trimming leaves during flowering takes energy from bud production by having to replace leaves. i tend to harvest in two sections giving the bottem more time to ripen. or grow like this..~ horizontal.


Active Member
Please can anyone tell me how long would you say is left on these girls and how many weeks should i give them water alone before there finished? this is my first grow.had loads of problems but there loving life.both from bag seed.
They look really nice. :clap: