Looking for a light setup for five plants.


Hello Rollitup,

I am deciding to buy a CFL mount, because building one underneath a piece of plywood in to difficult for me. Does anyone know where I can buy one like the first, that holds multiple rows of CFL's (like two rows of 5 bulbs. Like the first picture. I also drew in with a pen what I am trying to explain. I have searched hard but can not find a shop.

Example below.

Are these any good?

What I am trying to describe is a little hood of reflective material that has sockets that hold two rows of CFLS. In each parallel row are four sockets. There are two rows.


Right now I am using this for light.

104 Real Watts of 6500K CFL Vegging Light. (The big ones have been like that for 17 days. The little ones about 4 days.)
I also have 136 real Watts of 2700K CFL light one them. The reason is because I coudl not find anymore 6500K and was pissed that I had to subsitute more light to my plants since more were growing, but I did not have 6500K. So I used 2700K instead. The 6500K is concentrated on the big ones over their. The 2700K is on these three here.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the pic on top is all i have seen, most people custom make the multi cfl holders your thinking of, also the reason you want to do that is because a cfl has to be within a few inches of the plant to do any good where as an hps has a ton more penetrating power so it can be hung up higher, for that reason a single hood with multiple bulbs wont preform very well


the pic on top is all i have seen, most people custom make the multi cfl holders your thinking of, also the reason you want to do that is because a cfl has to be within a few inches of the plant to do any good where as an hps has a ton more penetrating power so it can be hung up higher, for that reason a single hood with multiple bulbs wont preform very well

Thanks for the reply. I was wondering if you could tell me I could get at the cheapest, a HPS system that can support at least five of my plants, regardless of their gender?


Thanks for the reply. I was wondering if you could tell me I could get at the cheapest, a HPS system that can support at least five of my plants, regardless of their gender?
Here is one of the two large plants I have going. Real bushy after only six days of LST.



Well-Known Member
want a good one look at this


or this


get 2 of em and use one blue and one red in each diagnal from eachother that should do it, try and get the 200w bulbs but the 125w should be ok so that would make between 800w and 500w

get your self a mix of red and blue spectrum and you shall be able to use it start to finish as they come in 2 spectrums i use em for vegin and there amazing i can veg 15 under a 200w

EDIT:: also that second link does upto 300w so get one double with the 300w lights for £149 and invest in another 2 300w bulbs in the opposite spectrum so you have 2 for veg and 2 for flower


Well-Known Member
You should buy power strips, and bulb sockets that will plug into a power strip. Mount it sides ways somewhere and get some poster board. Highly reflective and cheap as can be. Because you're using cfls you dont't have to worry about the poster getting too hot and being a fire hazard. You could probably get all that for every light for under what it would cost for one premade reflector setup.


Well-Known Member
look into T5's there the strip lights you should be looking for there good for veg but not a fan for flowering