Looking For a Non-Addictive, Safe Hallucinogen


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been looking for a safe hallucinogenic that is overall harmless. I've heard a single bad hit of LSD can fuck up your brain for ever, and that's what I want to AVOID! I've also read that Salvia can give you a really scary trip if taken in too high of a dose. What's a good hallucinogen for a first timer, and what's the right dose of it? If it involves growing it (like shrooms), I could try that.


Well-Known Member
I've heard a single bad hit of LSD can fuck up your brain for ever.
I hope that's a joke, it's definitely not true, LSD is one of the safest drugs you can ingest. LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, DMT although wouldn't really recommend DMT for a first time psychedelic user. They're all chemically very harmless and it's unlikely anything bad will happen when you're tripping, if you're nervous about doing something dumb and hurting yourself just have a sober person around to keep you safe.


Well-Known Member
That would be most of them. All of them have some risks but when used safely they're far safer than many recreational activities.
Large doses tend to lead to freak ours especially when taken by the inexperienced. I suggest you thoroughly research whatever you decide to take. I'd suggest erowid.org as a wonderful starting point for learning about drugs.


Well-Known Member
I hope that's a joke, it's definitely not true, LSD is one of the safest drugs you can ingest. LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, DMT although wouldn't really recommend DMT for a first time psychedelic user. They're all chemically very harmless and it's unlikely anything bad will happen when you're tripping, if you're nervous about doing something dumb and hurting yourself just have a sober person around to keep you safe.
Okay I'll try to find some acid but I don't know how much I want to trust a total stranger. Shrooms I could grow myself and know what went into them. What's a good type of shroom for a beginner?


Well-Known Member
Grow some mushrooms. That will prove highly rewarding in itself. There are a lot of LSD knockoffs out there, so if you go for it and don't have a trusted source I'd probably order online from silk road 2.0 or w/e the fuck it's called.

I prefer LSD to mushrooms personally - more clarity of thought. But I find mushrooms leave me feeling great for weeks after the fact more than LSD which also leaves me feeling good for a while after but less obviously.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been looking for a safe hallucinogenic that is overall harmless. I've heard a single bad hit of LSD can fuck up your brain for ever, and that's what I want to AVOID! I've also read that Salvia can give you a really scary trip if taken in too high of a dose. What's a good hallucinogen for a first timer, and what's the right dose of it? If it involves growing it (like shrooms), I could try that.
want a safe never fail not hard core trip but fun dxm would be up there in my books also u can always try the cactus root few out there that will fuck your shit up but least u boil it and u can controll the dose any ways weed eaten in high amounts will make some people trip out as in fact of not seeing shit but thinking they are gunna die i have seen this a few times and it can get funny


Well-Known Member
Hang out with Lucy. Just do yourself a favor and get a bunk police test kit. I say good clean L leaves no physical or psychological effects. In fact the opposite of a hang over. Brain will work with more clarity than you thought possible and for me I feel like all my aches and pains in my back disappear completely fr a week or more after tripping

personal lux

Well-Known Member
I grew a cambodian strain of mushrooms. Good stuff, 1 gram had you all smiles, 2 had you trippin, an eighter had you wondering how the gas station got so small when you walked in the door.