Looking For a Partner To Grow Medical MJ In Sacramento CA, I Have Some Start Up Ca$h!

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Well-Known Member
Do you enjoy or even depend on the stress and pain relieving benefits (just to name a few) of Medical Marijuana? Are you tired of paying an arm and leg for Collective prices? Do you not like dealing with the shady characters you sometimes come across when buying on the streets or do you just cherish you freedom and don't want to jeopardize it? Have you ever considered growing your own Cannabis "LEGALLY" with a doctor's recommendation but because of start up costs, lack of experience or physical disabilities you can't, think you can't or just don't know how???? If you answered yes to these questions then I can ABSOLUTELY HELP!!!!!

(All I require from you is that you have your medical marijuana recommendation ( I'm even willing to pay for it if need be), you have some space indoors (or a secure place outdoors, will discuss later if interested) preferably (but not a must) your a home owner with a basement or an empty spare bedroom with large closet, power outlet and that's it, just be ready and willing to let me grow us some KILLER SKUNK BUD! I'm willing to do ALL THE WORK, from planting the seeds to harvesting and BOY WILL WE BE HARVESTING!!!)

Up until fairly recently I was considering pursuing a career in rc helicopters as its one of my favorite hobbies (I built a T-Rex 450 Pro my self from a kit and I can also fly it pretty well so I think I can manage to grow some marijuana, lol, This is the same model I built: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3gYrJ9GXRY), however Ive now come to the conclusion that I want to be a full time Medical Marijuana Grower specializing in strains of high quality genetics, hybridization, grafting and increasing yield and THC production. To be honest I'm not an "Expert" or trained horticulture professional, I don't have any degrees or special certifications in gardening and I admit I'm no seasoned grower with years of experience and dozens or hundreds of harvests under my belt, however, what I lack in first hand experience I assure you I completely make up for in sheer determination to succeed, mark my words! I do have about 2 years experience in landscaping IE: mowing, weeding, edging, laying sod, planting & transplanting as well as sprinkler and irrigation installation. I have been a hobbyist Gardner for about 10 years growing tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, basil, onions, lettuce, etc. so I do have quite a bit of experience with growing Ive just never grown marijuana to fruition before as I've never been legal until now. I have been doing some VERY EXTENSIVE RESEARCH for several months now on everything that has anything to do with growing marijuanam from the time I got up until the time I went to bed, every spare second I had I did NOTHING BUT RESEARCH on how to grow cannabis. Like I said, I admit I'm no "Master Gardner" however I'm the type of person that once I set my mind on something come hell or high water I will prevail and accomplish the goal no matter WHAT IT TAKES!! Ive read grow books and guides written by the best growers in the world IE: Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, Greg Green, Logan Edwards, Jack Herer as well as watched dozens of videos and documentaries they and other great cannabis cultivists have produced. Remember, even those guys had to start somewhere and I promised my self that no matter what it takes I will be successful in this industry. Just a little FYI about my self, I'm 28, born and raised here in Sac by both my parents with an older brother and younger sister (yes I'm the middle child, lol) in a Christin home with proper guidance, support and an abundance of love. My Dad taught me to be true to my self, respect my self and be respectful, work hard, always finish what you start and a mans word is his bond. Like I said, All I really need is a card holder with some space indoors, some electricity and someone to believe in me and give me a chance. If someone gives me a chance I give you my WORD that you won't regret it as I GUARANTEE I WILL PRODUCE FANTASTIC RESULTS!!!! If your worried about power consumption don't because we can use LED, CLF and induction lighting that uses a fraction of the power the typical HID lights use and we'll still get great yields. I am SOOOOO ready to get started on this ASAP so if anyone is interested just shoot me a PM and we can get together, meet and hopefully get started on growing some KILLER CHRONIC!!!!

PS. Right now I only have two plants in a closet, one White Widow and the other from bag-seed which I believe is an Indica Purples. They are doing fantastic, about two feet tall but the space just isn't big enough so another reason why I need a partner. I could put both these plants into flowering right now and in about 2-2 1/2 months we could harvest some really killer bud, how much will depend on many things but bud we will assuredly have. I can't flower them where they are now so I really need somewhere to put them. If someone has just a small space indoors with an outlet or a secure outdoor spot we could harvest some bud real soon, any takers???

William (SativaMe@420)


Well-Known Member
Do you enjoy or even depend on the pain and stress relieving benefits your medical marijuana? Are you tired of paying an arm an leg for Top-Shelf Grade A bud at the collectives??? Don't like dealing with the shady characters you sometimes come across when buying on the streets or do you just cherish your freedom??? Have you ever considered growing your own medical marijuana "LEGALLY" but because of start up costs, lack of experience or physical disabilities you can't or think you can't? well I can definitely help!!

I may not be a seasoned grower but Ive been doing VERY HEAVY research on the subject for several months now and Ive been a hobbyist gardener for approx 10 years with two years of landscaping experience. I have wanted to grow cannabis since the first time I tried it but every time Ive tried to grow something happened because "I WASN'T LEGAL", well now I am and I'll be dammed if I don't grow some killer bud real soon. I have two plants right now in a corner of a closet but it just isn't working out in this small space and my sister still has clothes in there so this just isn't going to work. Like I mentioned I have been doing extensive research on growing cannabis, reading grow books, Cannabis Grow Bible, grow viedos, talking to all the growers I know and can meet and talking with employees at the WeGrow Hydro Store. Like I said, I admit I'm no Jorge Cervantes or Ed Rosenthal but even they had to start somewhere, I'm the type of person that once I get my mind set on something come hell of high water I'm going to see it through and succeed no matter what it takes. About a year ago I was considering a career in RC Helicopters since its one of my favorite hobbies, (built my own T-Rex 450 Pro from a kit) however Ive come to the conclusion and realization that I want to be a full time Medical Marijuana Grower specializing in High Quality Genetics, Hybridization, Grafting and increasing yield and THC production. I believe I have and will continue to acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to grow some bud that can compete with the best growers in the world, all I need is someone to believe in me and give me a chance to prove my self. I actually plan, if needed, to sell my RC helicopter, transmitter, tools, Li-Po's, spare parts etc. which I have about $2000 in but I will probably only get between $500-$700 being that its used but at least its something. All I really need is someone with a medical recommendation (I do have one my self) and who has some space indoors (outdoor is possible but only a few months left and security outdoors is a much higher concern), I am willing to do EVERYTHING ELSE! From planting the seeds to harvesting I'm willing to do all the hard work and trust me I don't mind working hard I actually like it. If your worried about power usage don't, they have LED's and Induction lights now that use a fraction of what HID lights use and when used together in the right configuration you can get results that compete with HID results, no kidding! (we can discuss the details if your interested) I was raised in a christian home with parents who raised me right with lots of love and support. I'm an honest, caring person who is willing to go out of my way for those who are their for me or those who need and deserve it, so If you give me a chance and partner with me I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T REGRET IT and in about 4 months we will be harvesting some SERIOUSLY SKUNKY, STICKEY, GOOEY BUDS and we will continue to do so every few months getting better and better every harvest! If you are interested send me a PM and if I believe your serious I'll send you my phone # and we can get started because I AM SOOO READY MY FRIEND, ARE YOU???????

William (SativaMe@420)
700 get you enough to grow about 4-8 plants! you are going to need a lot more than 1 led panel to grow for real! The fact that LED lighting is sooo expensive still kinda off sets the power bill, not to mention that your harvest will be no where near what it would be with an hps system! You are talking about wanting to do something that is going to cost thousands and thousands to setup and and maintain! Not trying to be a dick but you and about a million other people can come up with 700 and want to grow! 700 will get you a 4x4 tent set up, Go with that or wait until you have your own space or a lot more money usually when people are going to partner with someone they want them to put up half the cash, Growing doesn't have hard parts besides the cost to set up and finding the space to do it!
Basically you are asking someone to go buy a grow setup and grow your weed for you! Even worse, you are asking some one to buy a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff, commit a federal offence, believe in some one's growing ability that has never grown weed before, let a complete stranger into their house. Again I'm sorry but with what you wrote you don't have anything to offer as far as being a partner in a FULL TIME grow, at the most you should be looking for someone else that only has a couple hundred dollars and go in on a small grow together. A lot of people dream of starting big, just because you have your permit doesn't mean you can jump into the FULL TIME growing game!


Well-Known Member
@ NoGutsGrower, I could go on and on about how wrong and not to mention completely judgmental your reply was but I digress, just because "YOU" are completely confident in your abilities to grow your self doesn't mean there isn't "1" person out there that for what ever reason might be interested in what I'm offering, like someone with a physical disability who can't grow for them selves but would like to get there medication at a MUCH better price???? Also, Yes I agree that a grow "COULD" (obviously if its on a massive scale it will) cost "thousands" and "thousands" of dollars to setup and maintain, if you are a complete sucker and let some salesman rip you off or if you pay retail prices for everything. A buddy of mine just made around $6000 on a grow that he only invested around $1500 in (initial costs by the way) using LED's, CFL's, and "1" 600 Watt HPS so please don't "TELL" me what I can and can't accomplish. To be honest I have no idea why you even replied to my thread, you didn't help me at all and in fact all you really accomplished was irritating me and wasting my time, thanks for that I guess.

Oh, and both of you have a nice day :)


Well-Known Member
Who wants to invite me into their home and give me a place to grow? I've never actually grown any smoke, but I've read about it on the internet, and I've even talked to the guys at the hydro store, so I'm practically an expert already. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one lucky person, so don't delay!


Well-Known Member
Boy d.s.m, taking a look at your user profile and reading through your posts & threads (which anyone can do by the way) and not to mention your visitor messages where it seems I'm not the only person who thinks you are a total douche bag. So just how many people have you insulted, judged, criticized and ridiculed to get that kind of response?? Make friends much??? Example: iwantmedbud wrote this visitor message on your profile: ("161 people have viewed my post , you were the only asshole!") iwantmedbud also wrote: ("I have posted many Questions about growing here this is just one of them. Why would you say fuck you? That is not very smart! You sound like you have anger problems; I think you should get some professional help. No one else has said anything rude to me but you. I hope you find peace in your life. I have not harmed anyone by posting this here so why you are so mad? Do you treat everyone like this? If so I feel sorry for your girl friend or wife and your mom and your friends! and thanks but you have not hurt my fealings, you have made yourself look like an asshole!") I especially like the last part because its SOOO TRUE, you do make your self look like a complete ASSHOLE, however, many people these days are going for that repute, I guess you've totally succeeded my friend, congrats. Just a suggestion but maybe, just maybe, you should do some research or better yet go take some classes on forum etiquite and then re-register under a different name to save face you stupid, judgmental, worthless waste of space. Its OK though, keep it up and I'm sure one of the mods will get hip to what you do here and how many people you help and how many you insult. I hope that you are or one day become a door to door salesman and show up at my door with a name tag that says d.s.m., oh I would cherish that day as I would knock your front teeth out sending you flying off my porch and then for good measure (and because I'm a gentlemen) I would piss on your mouth to reduce the swelling. Bottom line, ONCE AGAIN GO FUCK YOUR SELF! Oh, and have a nice day :)

PS. Keep it coming, I'll be here all week.
Funny how all those people aren't around here anymore. They were morons that mistook this forum for craigslist, and all I did was call them on it. And others called them on it. And then they left. They had no interest in joining this community, they were just here to place an ad. Sort of like you.

Now, I'm an extremely peaceful man. I'm kind. I'm generous. I'm a good neighbor, and I'm a good friend. I prefer to live and let live. That being said, I have zero tolerance for bullshit, and I'm the furthest thing from being easily intimidated.

You post an ad like this and don't expect to get teased a little? Just shows how little you know about this community. I'm sorry your skin is so thin, and that you're unable to laugh at yourself. Three posts in, and you're talking about committing acts of violence. On me.

I'm sure that anyone that was thinking about spending the time, money, and trust to let you learn how to grow in their house (lol) is even more inclined to invite you in now.

You said something about knocking my teeth out and pissing on my face. Well, the good news is that I'm right here in Sacramento, and I've got no problem discussing this in person.


Active Member

Seriously, this is a ridiculous argument. It's amazing how ballsy people are whilst behind a computer screen. Sativa, I bet you are a mid 20's, fresh out of college guy, looking to use your advertised know-how to better your pocket. So, you've disguised your thread as a service to someone in pain so you can get in on the big MMJ scene and not pay for that high priced stuff that's had your dad's bank account stressed all throughout college... I get it, but not too savvy, mate. Not too savvy at all. Just save up some money, get some good dirt, beans, and lights and do it the same way you would if you were applying for a small business loan. You really think a bank is going to give you start up money for your fancy grandioso Italian restaurant when you tell them that you have no experience in owning a restaurant, but you've been hanging around one and wiki'd the shit out of it? Fuck no. Start learning how to cook, take a business management class and wow an investment firm with your catering, and you might have a shot. Oh, and d.s.m. might have been a dick about it, but you provoked it. (...and it was funny as hell to read...) You shouldn't of told him to go fuck himself after he just offered you 200 dollars towards your new grow op.

And NoGuts was spot-fucking-on, too You have obvious dreams of grandeur and with what you have to offer, you'd be lucky for ANYONE to let you anywhere near their garden with NO exp or money to offer towards it. I already have a guy with more exp than you, whose been a friend for almost a decade, trying to fuck my garden up, not paying for shit. But, he's a good friend that could use being taught how to fish, if you catch my drift. NoGuts was trying to give you honest advice, and some people (you) just don't realize how crazy an idea sounds until someone else (NoGuts, d.s.m. and me) tells you.


Well-Known Member
OK, OK, you are totally right, this is getting out of hand and I admit that I didn't help to smooth things over. Its been an EXTREMELY trying past few weeks, you have no idea the shit storm that has befallen my family and I and it has effected me greatly so I apologize if I offended or disrespected anyone. I am a kind, honest, caring person who believes these forums are here so that people can find the help and answers they need and not to be criticized or ridiculed (which I admit pisses me off, I mean if your not intending to help someone why even bother?), however sometimes the blatant truth is necessary no matter how hard it is to hear, that being said I'm not agreeing with everything you've said however you did have some valid points and a couple you drove strait home. The whole knocking teeth out and pissing comment was just a "you belittle me, I belittle you" thing which I now see was crass and unnecessary, I'm truly not that kind of person so once again I apologize if I offended or disrespected anyone, I was just pissed off (mainly about other shit) and shooting from the hip. I'm in a situation that I NEED to get out of ASAP so desperate times call for desperate measures. This may sound completely ridiculous and impractical to some, probably most, however I guarantee there's at least one person who has the space and is interested, I just have to find them and mark my words I will.


Well-Known Member
Living here in Sacramento, I completely understand the concept of hard times and desperate situations. I'm extremely lucky to have found full time employment, even though it's the sort of work that, ten years ago, I was hiring young men to do. The pay is shit, the work is very physical, and it's tearing up my already ruined back. I'm eating more and more norcos and percosets all the time, along with handfuls of ibuprofen, just to be able to make it through each day. And then there's the fact that I'm always no more than one missed paycheck away from complete and utter ruin. So yeah, I can relate.
Do you enjoy or even depend on the stress and pain relieving benefits (just to name a few) of Medical Marijuana? Are you tired of paying an arm and leg for Collective prices? Do you not like dealing with the shady characters you sometimes come across when buying on the streets or do you just cherish you freedom and don't want to jeopardize it? Have you ever considered growing your own Cannabis "LEGALLY" with a doctor's recommendation but because of start up costs, lack of experience or physical disabilities you can't, think you can't or just don't know how???? If you answered yes to these questions then I can ABSOLUTELY HELP!!!!!

(All I require from you is that you have your medical marijuana recommendation ( I'm even willing to pay for it if need be), you have some space indoors (or a secure place outdoors, will discuss later if interested) preferably (but not a must) your a home owner with a basement or an empty spare bedroom with large closet, power outlet and that's it, just be ready and willing to let me grow us some KILLER SKUNK BUD! I'm willing to do ALL THE WORK, from planting the seeds to harvesting and BOY WILL WE BE HARVESTING!!!)

Up until fairly recently I was considering pursuing a career in rc helicopters as its one of my favorite hobbies (I built a T-Rex 450 Pro my self from a kit and I can also fly it pretty well so I think I can manage to grow some marijuana, lol, This is the same model I built: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3gYrJ9GXRY), however Ive now come to the conclusion that I want to be a full time Medical Marijuana Grower specializing in strains of high quality genetics, hybridization, grafting and increasing yield and THC production. To be honest I'm not an "Expert" or trained horticulture professional, I don't have any degrees or special certifications in gardening and I admit I'm no seasoned grower with years of experience and dozens or hundreds of harvests under my belt, however, what I lack in first hand experience I assure you I completely make up for in sheer determination to succeed, mark my words! I do have about 2 years experience in landscaping IE: mowing, weeding, edging, laying sod, planting & transplanting as well as sprinkler and irrigation installation. I have been a hobbyist Gardner for about 10 years growing tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, basil, onions, lettuce, etc. so I do have quite a bit of experience with growing Ive just never grown marijuana to fruition before as I've never been legal until now. I have been doing some VERY EXTENSIVE RESEARCH for several months now on everything that has anything to do with growing marijuanam from the time I got up until the time I went to bed, every spare second I had I did NOTHING BUT RESEARCH on how to grow cannabis. Like I said, I admit I'm no "Master Gardner" however I'm the type of person that once I set my mind on something come hell or high water I will prevail and accomplish the goal no matter WHAT IT TAKES!! Ive read grow books and guides written by the best growers in the world IE: Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, Greg Green, Logan Edwards, Jack Herer as well as watched dozens of videos and documentaries they and other great cannabis cultivists have produced. Remember, even those guys had to start somewhere and I promised my self that no matter what it takes I will be successful in this industry. Just a little FYI about my self, I'm 28, born and raised here in Sac by both my parents with an older brother and younger sister (yes I'm the middle child, lol) in a Christin home with proper guidance, support and an abundance of love. My Dad taught me to be true to my self, respect my self and be respectful, work hard, always finish what you start and a mans word is his bond. Like I said, All I really need is a card holder with some space indoors, some electricity and someone to believe in me and give me a chance. If someone gives me a chance I give you my WORD that you won't regret it as I GUARANTEE I WILL PRODUCE FANTASTIC RESULTS!!!! If your worried about power consumption don't because we can use LED, CLF and induction lighting that uses a fraction of the power the typical HID lights use and we'll still get great yields. I am SOOOOO ready to get started on this ASAP so if anyone is interested just shoot me a PM and we can get together, meet and hopefully get started on growing some KILLER CHRONIC!!!!

PS. Right now I only have two plants in a closet, one White Widow and the other from bag-seed which I believe is an Indica Purples. They are doing fantastic, about two feet tall but the space just isn't big enough so another reason why I need a partner. I could put both these plants into flowering right now and in about 2-2 1/2 months we could harvest some really killer bud, how much will depend on many things but bud we will assuredly have. I can't flower them where they are now so I really need somewhere to put them. If someone has just a small space indoors with an outlet or a secure outdoor spot we could harvest some bud real soon, any takers???

William (SativaMe@420)

hey man... look me up in facebook so we can talk


Well-Known Member
hey man... look me up in facebook so we can talk
Unfortunately I don't have a Facebook account, yes I know I'm one of the few this day in age but it just isn't my thing. I tried to PM you but for some reason it wouldn't let me, kinda weird, anyways just PM me here and give me your email or email me at <williamcc.jr@gmail.com> Talk to ya soon.


Well-Known Member
Who wants to invite me into their home and give me a place to grow? I've never actually grown any smoke, but I've read about it on the internet, and I've even talked to the guys at the hydro store, so I'm practically an expert already. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one lucky person, so don't delay!
hey bro come on over lol


Well-Known Member
Do you enjoy or even depend on the stress and pain relieving benefits (just to name a few) of Medical Marijuana? Are you tired of paying an arm and leg for Collective prices? Do you not like dealing with the shady characters you sometimes come across when buying on the streets or do you just cherish you freedom and don't want to jeopardize it? Have you ever considered growing your own Cannabis "LEGALLY" with a doctor's recommendation but because of start up costs, lack of experience or physical disabilities you can't, think you can't or just don't know how???? If you answered yes to these questions then I can ABSOLUTELY HELP!!!!!

(All I require from you is that you have your medical marijuana recommendation ( I'm even willing to pay for it if need be), you have some space indoors (or a secure place outdoors, will discuss later if interested) preferably (but not a must) your a home owner with a basement or an empty spare bedroom with large closet, power outlet and that's it, just be ready and willing to let me grow us some KILLER SKUNK BUD! I'm willing to do ALL THE WORK, from planting the seeds to harvesting and BOY WILL WE BE HARVESTING!!!)

Up until fairly recently I was considering pursuing a career in rc helicopters as its one of my favorite hobbies (I built a T-Rex 450 Pro my self from a kit and I can also fly it pretty well so I think I can manage to grow some marijuana, lol, This is the same model I built: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3gYrJ9GXRY), however Ive now come to the conclusion that I want to be a full time Medical Marijuana Grower specializing in strains of high quality genetics, hybridization, grafting and increasing yield and THC production. To be honest I'm not an "Expert" or trained horticulture professional, I don't have any degrees or special certifications in gardening and I admit I'm no seasoned grower with years of experience and dozens or hundreds of harvests under my belt, however, what I lack in first hand experience I assure you I completely make up for in sheer determination to succeed, mark my words! I do have about 2 years experience in landscaping IE: mowing, weeding, edging, laying sod, planting & transplanting as well as sprinkler and irrigation installation. I have been a hobbyist Gardner for about 10 years growing tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, basil, onions, lettuce, etc. so I do have quite a bit of experience with growing Ive just never grown marijuana to fruition before as I've never been legal until now. I have been doing some VERY EXTENSIVE RESEARCH for several months now on everything that has anything to do with growing marijuanam from the time I got up until the time I went to bed, every spare second I had I did NOTHING BUT RESEARCH on how to grow cannabis. Like I said, I admit I'm no "Master Gardner" however I'm the type of person that once I set my mind on something come hell or high water I will prevail and accomplish the goal no matter WHAT IT TAKES!! Ive read grow books and guides written by the best growers in the world IE: Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, Greg Green, Logan Edwards, Jack Herer as well as watched dozens of videos and documentaries they and other great cannabis cultivists have produced. Remember, even those guys had to start somewhere and I promised my self that no matter what it takes I will be successful in this industry. Just a little FYI about my self, I'm 28, born and raised here in Sac by both my parents with an older brother and younger sister (yes I'm the middle child, lol) in a Christin home with proper guidance, support and an abundance of love. My Dad taught me to be true to my self, respect my self and be respectful, work hard, always finish what you start and a mans word is his bond. Like I said, All I really need is a card holder with some space indoors, some electricity and someone to believe in me and give me a chance. If someone gives me a chance I give you my WORD that you won't regret it as I GUARANTEE I WILL PRODUCE FANTASTIC RESULTS!!!! If your worried about power consumption don't because we can use LED, CLF and induction lighting that uses a fraction of the power the typical HID lights use and we'll still get great yields. I am SOOOOO ready to get started on this ASAP so if anyone is interested just shoot me a PM and we can get together, meet and hopefully get started on growing some KILLER CHRONIC!!!!

PS. Right now I only have two plants in a closet, one White Widow and the other from bag-seed which I believe is an Indica Purples. They are doing fantastic, about two feet tall but the space just isn't big enough so another reason why I need a partner. I could put both these plants into flowering right now and in about 2-2 1/2 months we could harvest some really killer bud, how much will depend on many things but bud we will assuredly have. I can't flower them where they are now so I really need somewhere to put them. If someone has just a small space indoors with an outlet or a secure outdoor spot we could harvest some bud real soon, any takers???

William (SativaMe@420)
maybe you should post this as a add on craigslist

collective gardener

Well-Known Member

Wrong place, my man. Sorry bout your hard times, but growing weed in a partnership at someone elses house won't solve shit. I get the impression you think growing is going to fix any $$$ problems you might be having. It will not. With your lack of experience it would be several months and a buttload of money before the first totally undersized shitty crop came in. I say shitty crop because 20 years ago I grew my first crop...it was a joke. I, too, read all the books, and was confident as fuck. I, too, tried a partnership. When neither person has good growing skills, it just becomes a shitty crop that pisses 2 people off instead of one. It's also quite clear from you heated response that you're a little unstable...not the kind of person someone is going to invite into their home and their life.

If you really want to grow, and are willing to put in the time, do it. Do it alone. In time you may develope the skills to actually have something to offer. You can start building those skills in a tiny little closet grow. That's how I started. Then I spent 20 years trying to become the best grower I could. I've since been involved in several medium size grow ops (10,000 - 40,000 watts)...all run by me. My current op is a legal collective....a partnership of sorts....that is working out well for all involved.

My point is, be patient. If you attack growing with the attitude that you're not going to make a dime for a long LONG time, you won't get frustrated. Figure the first couple years you're going to put money into it. Then, if you do good and pull off a decent yield of quality product, you may make a buck.

That being said, be careful not to buy into the LED hype. As of now, nothing can even come close to the yield of HID lighting. Your assertation that using LED and/or induction lighting will "still give you great yields" is a classic statement by someone who has done alot more reading than growing. The reading is important, but it will only get you so far...and not too far, at that. The only way to get good, and truly have something to bring to the table in a partnership, is to get some real experience. The good news is, you'll have a ton of fun doing it. So, go get em tiger. And post the next add on Craigs List.


OK. I just had to make this my first post. Sorry to see people put you down man. Just not the best way to start out but you may find someone who this would work for. I doubt it; but you may. Best bet is to try and finish them where they are now man. Do you have at least another 2x the overhead space in your current location in relation to how tall the 2 plants are now? If you do, you still may have time to switch your lights now and still have room to finish.
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