Looking for a PH tester

As the title says, for water. Anyone know where to get one and cheap? Does Wal-mart carry em? Hope depot? Something like that?



Well-Known Member
If you prefer, you can buy one for soil, that works in water though, in eBay. The price is around 4$ (shipping included). It measures pH, humidity (in your case not useful) and light intensity. Cheers!


Active Member
I personally like General Hydroponic ph up and ph down kit.. works miracles can be bought at local hydroponic shops or on amazon.


Active Member
I use a Hanna pH tester and I am very pleased with it. Don't forget to get some calibration solution to insure the numbers you are looking at are correct.


Active Member
Fish Aquarium supplies, test your water you should only need ph down. ph up is more water. ph down for pools works.