looking for a site that has a dr60 package that ships to us.


Well-Known Member
What's up guys, I'm trying to get a new setup and found the dr60. I found some packages online bit none ship to the us...


Well-Known Member
7 + 6 = 13 in America, mon. That's how many two sellers had combined. Duh. Always some supposed fact checker.


Well-Known Member
Lord somebody please give up an hour helping this retard. He knows the parts (supposedly) he's just too frigging dumb or lazy to do it and his mama is at work.


Well-Known Member
Easy Dick head, I said package. Meaning Not just th's grow tent. Ie Hood, ballast, bulb, fan, duct work extra. You know a package.
Packages are typically put together with lesser quality parts. Sorry, but that is the way it is. So not many will put out a package with a Secret Jardin tent unless you specifically ask for one from a supplier.


Well-Known Member
Packages are typically put together with lesser quality parts. Sorry, but that is the way it is. So not many will put out a package with a Secret Jardin tent unless you specifically ask for one from a supplier.
OP isn't smart enough or experienced in anything other than twiddling his pud. He doesn't know enough to request a quote on a package. But when grownups help he calls them names. His mom is busy narrowing down the suspect list before Father's Day so somebody please help the struggling fool. He should thank you profusely. He's not yours is he?


Well-Known Member
OP isn't smart enough or experienced in anything other than twiddling his pud. He doesn't know enough to request a quote on a package. But when grownups help he calls them names. His mom is busy narrowing down the suspect list before Father's Day so somebody please help the struggling fool. He should thank you profusely. He's not yours is he?
Wow, you must be really cool. I wasn't looking for smart ass responses, I found packages with the dr90 and bigger on Greeners.com but nothing for the dr60 so i emailed them, i havent heard back. I wanted to know if anyone on here could help.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you must be really cool. I wasn't looking for smart ass responses, I found packages with the dr90 and bigger on Greeners.com but nothing for the dr60 so i emailed them, i havent heard back. I wanted to know if anyone on here could help.
I am cool, assmunch.