Looking for a supplier


Active Member
Looking for someone to suply on the WESTCOAST. Im in Vegas and need some fire, cuz I cant find it out here. From Cali and use to quality and now I cant make the trips back and forth. If anyone has white widow or blueberry for sale hit me up and please be real. I am looking to buy a qp. Let me know


Active Member
Not meannig to sound thirsty but I have been smoking since the age of 10 and now Im in college and away from Cali and cant find that fire out where Im at. Just looking you know when you havent had some good weed in awhile. But anybody wit info would help.



Well-Known Member
Okay. Walk into your nearest police office. Ask them to see the evidence room. There is all kinds of good stuff in there you just pick out what you want.


Well-Known Member
Dam how did you guess? Shhh don't tell anyone. I don't think anyone else noticed.


Well-Known Member
Looking for someone to suply on the WESTCOAST. Im in Vegas and need some fire, cuz I cant find it out here. From Cali and use to quality and now I cant make the trips back and forth. If anyone has white widow or blueberry for sale hit me up and please be real. I am looking to buy a qp. Let me know
Laziest DEA agent ever....


Well-Known Member
Like that Norbert the Nark charachter from the Furry Freak Bros magazines...."I'm looking to score a LID of weed"...


Well-Known Member
this thread is 3 years old. which is a shame, i just lost my buyer. though i'm working with a little more than a 1/4. ;)


Active Member
He figured out to go up to "D" Street and just ask anyone on the sidewalks... now getting out of there alive is a different story... lol!