Looking for advice on my nutes (canna flores-vega/ Cha Ching/Advanced Sensizym


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I've been growing for a few years but only organics. I now want to try non organics to get bigger yields and stronger stuff. This is what I have in hand right now:

Canna terra Flores & Vega
Advanced Sensizym (advance nutrients)
Organic Blackstrap Molasses.

My plants are Arjan's Strawberry Haze in 2nd week of flowering.

They have only been fed Biobizz Grow until now and molasses.

Can anyone advise me on a good plan for using all of the above nutrients? I'm very n ew to non organics and dont want to burn the Shiz out of my babies, and its hard to find info about how to mix all of the above...

Please only comment if you know what you're talking about, as many people here THINK they know what they're talking about. Im looking for people with experience in at least some of these nutes.

Many thanks in advance!!



Well-Known Member
no offence mate but if you grow in a controlled environment properly set up these ingredients will make about 25% difference in the yield not to speak of strength and taste. have a read about growing and you'll understand how the chemicals inthem work on a plant.

I just don't have time to do trial and error to figure out the best way to mix them all throughout the 12weeks so im looking for someone with experience.


Active Member
how about thats just a bunch of random shit. Yes I know how I would use them but honestly if you been growing for years and cant read the label and go from there, then there is no hope for you. Try starting with one companies full lineup and then swap in equals from other companies that you like better.


Aquaponics really will vegatate a plant as hard as you need. just put ppm meter on your aquarium water and see how many ppm you have. you can still adjust with any nute you like. saving dollars.