Looking for Easy Hash making method (without the use of a washing machine)

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New Member
I have chopped down all of my plants and would like to make some hash out of 5 of them. I've never made hash before and don't want to mess it up but I don't have a washing machine to use that method and have looked thoughout the site but can only find hash oil making methods etc.

Can anyone direct me to a thread or two so I get the general idea??? I have 5 freshly picked bushed that I want to use:mrgreen: cause I love hash:roll:

the fastest/easiest hash i ever made was with a screen from a window.. but thats not as potent as ice extraction like you're talking aout with the washing machine.
just my two cents!

If you want to make some good hash you diff need to buy bubble bags. I don't want to make this a LONG post but the bags come in diff sizes. Cold water exstratction google
bubble bags and you'll see em. I only grow about 14 or so plants but I save all the cuttings and when you havest your plants you save all the fan leaves and stems and the small leaves you trim from the beloved bud. I have grown some skunk#1 that in my opoin was just reg. So I bubble bag a bout 2 ocounce and got back some very nice blonde hash. Just the size of a small match head burned in a small pipe would get me RIPPED. Just the small reward you get if you make the investment into the bags. I've tried the other methods with the alhcol and it really sucks compared to bubblebags.
Let me here from other bubble bag dudes, do you agree??
Thank you very much budsworth. I wasn't even sure whether to use fresh leaves or dried ones and since I only just chopped them down I didn't want to mess it up.
I can't believe all the years I have thrown all of my trimmings out and washed off my scissors with nail polish remover :wall::dunce:
If you want to make some good hash you diff need to buy bubble bags. I don't want to make this a LONG post but the bags come in diff sizes. Cold water exstratction google
bubble bags and you'll see em. I only grow about 14 or so plants but I save all the cuttings and when you havest your plants you save all the fan leaves and stems and the small leaves you trim from the beloved bud. I have grown some skunk#1 that in my opoin was just reg. So I bubble bag a bout 2 ocounce and got back some very nice blonde hash. Just the size of a small match head burned in a small pipe would get me RIPPED. Just the small reward you get if you make the investment into the bags. I've tried the other methods with the alhcol and it really sucks compared to bubblebags.
Let me here from other bubble bag dudes, do you agree??
They have 1 gallon, 3 gallon, and 5 gallon bags...so not by some measures ;)

I do a QWISO oil that I LOOOOOVE...Best to only do about a 1/4 or a 1/2 at a time...not TOO much.

Dont break up the buds, throw em in a jar, pour just enough ISO(91%) to get about halfway up the buds, shake for 20 seconds...THIS IS KEY...just stop the buds with your hand, pour into another clean glass, and use a gold coffee filter to strain the ISO

Pour on a glass plate you can throw over a pot of water on the stove, ventilate, let the water simmer.

Once all the alcohol evaps, you have a hot plate with goo/crystals all over it. If you did it QUICK enough, this will be a nice blone/amber color. You can hand press several quarter runs into a NICE brick.

I suppose its easier to scrape while the plate is still a little warm. If you do this right you won't end up with that nasty black goo.

Just amber/blonde marbled goodness!
Thanks Ming. I will give this a shot and see what happens. I suppose I won't know un;less I try.

Thanks for taking the time to write all this out for me. I really do appreciate ti.

They have 1 gallon, 3 gallon, and 5 gallon bags...so not by some measures ;)

I do a QWISO oil that I LOOOOOVE...Best to only do about a 1/4 or a 1/2 at a time...not TOO much.

Dont break up the buds, throw em in a jar, pour just enough ISO(91%) to get about halfway up the buds, shake for 20 seconds...THIS IS KEY...just stop the buds with your hand, pour into another clean glass, and use a gold coffee filter to strain the ISO

Pour on a glass plate you can throw over a pot of water on the stove, ventilate, let the water simmer.

Once all the alcohol evaps, you have a hot plate with goo/crystals all over it. If you did it QUICK enough, this will be a nice blone/amber color. You can hand press several quarter runs into a NICE brick.

I suppose its easier to scrape while the plate is still a little warm. If you do this right you won't end up with that nasty black goo.

Just amber/blonde marbled goodness!
I love hash too. It is one of the two of my favourite pleasures.:mrgreen:
I have decided just to try different methods and see which one works best for me.

Thanks Hemlock:blsmoke:
not insane, thats love! i love hash too... now you have me thinking to devoting a whole plant or 2 just to hash :-)
So how did you come to the decision of making black hash??! I bet ur postin all about it somewhere I just cant find it!!
hey lacy hows it going. i highly recomend 'butane extraction hash' it is absurdly easy for anyone to do on the first try and it is considered to be the most potent and highest in 'thc' of known methods of extraction. top dollar is paid for it in socal dispeseries. i have made it before and it is very easy to do. it is refered to as 'honey oil' 'earwax' etc i am able to try different hashes of different methods and this is by far the best. not just my oppinion but the general consensus of knowledgeable people down here.:joint:
I personally have used the blender and ice method to do little amounts with just some extra trim it works pretty well but a littl harder to make a big amount. But what i do is put an ounce of trim and leaves in a blender with ice cold water and ice cubes then blend untill all moist then strain thru a gold screened metal coffee filter into a clear glass. ( the liquid will be a greenish color) place the glass in the fridge and let sit for about half an hour. then strain the water off without dislodging the residue on the bottom of the glass. add some more COLD water and repeat the sitting in fridge process. repeat this process until the water is an almost clear color again the filter the remaining water and goo at the bottom thru a paper coffee filter, this will allow the water to go thru but not the stuff that creates the hash. I have done this several times when my boyfriend runs out of hash and he likes it. I hope this helps you a little.
Very good. Wow! Thanks dude.
This is awesome
decisions decisions.
What to do.
I have some time to think about it before all my buds dry. i still haven't finished trimming them all BUT I am saving the sticky goo this time:mrgreen:

umm....love THAT sticky stuff:roll:
you're more then welcome!

here is a cool 4 part series i watched with my dad last night about how they make this shit in huts in morrocco

YouTube - KIf from the Rif Pt1/4
YouTube - Kif from the Rif Pt2/4
YouTube - Hash 3
YouTube - Kif from the Rif Pt4/4

watch these guys make 60kilos (if i remember right) a day.. from bundels of weed to packaged 1/2kilo bricks

Nah I'm not playing fool here. I really have no idea how to make hash and I love black hash but I do not know what is involved.
Heck. I'll go for any type of hash right now as long as it is good.
I'm actually getting tired of smoking good weed and just want a change.:mrgreen:

I've gone through lots of threads but most of them are confusing as ever.:confused:
So how did you come to the decision of making black hash??! I bet ur postin all about it somewhere I just cant find it!!
:i Honey OIL!!!!
Damn. Well now I know honey oil:hump:
um. love honey oil:hump: but hubby won't let me use a butane torch. He says I am too clumsy:cry: and might burn da house down:roll:
I'll ask again:-|
hey lacy hows it going. i highly recomend 'butane extraction hash' it is absurdly easy for anyone to do on the first try and it is considered to be the most potent and highest in 'thc' of known methods of extraction. top dollar is paid for it in socal dispeseries. i have made it before and it is very easy to do. it is refered to as 'honey oil' 'earwax' etc i am able to try different hashes of different methods and this is by far the best. not just my oppinion but the general consensus of knowledgeable people down here.:joint:
Cool. I will look through it later on.
Thanks for all your help. That was a lot of typing to do and I appreciate it. I am going to try different methods since I have so much weed to use.
Why not?
I personally have used the blender and ice method to do little amounts with just some extra trim it works pretty well but a littl harder to make a big amount. But what i do is put an ounce of trim and leaves in a blender with ice cold water and ice cubes then blend untill all moist then strain thru a gold screened metal coffee filter into a clear glass. ( the liquid will be a greenish color) place the glass in the fridge and let sit for about half an hour. then strain the water off without dislodging the residue on the bottom of the glass. add some more COLD water and repeat the sitting in fridge process. repeat this process until the water is an almost clear color again the filter the remaining water and goo at the bottom thru a paper coffee filter, this will allow the water to go thru but not the stuff that creates the hash. I have done this several times when my boyfriend runs out of hash and he likes it. I hope this helps you a little.
Lacy, this is the method I tried, lol. Like I said before I think I had too much plant matter in it though, lol. Check it out. :mrgreen::peace:

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