Well-Known Member
:i Honey OIL!!!!
Damn. Well now I know honey oil
um. love honey oilbut hubby won't let me use a butane torch. He says I am too clumsy
and might burn da house down
I'll ask again
You dont need a torch, just a large tank of butane for refilling lighters, or little grills, I buy big 4 packs from the chinese grocery store for 5 bucks, I use about two cans for a nice sixed batch.
all you need is PVC as big or small as you want, I use one thats an inch and a half and 7 inches long.
than you need a cap to fit the PVC, than drill a hole in it to fit the butane can.
thats it!!! fill the tube with weed, put a coffee filter, or proper sized screen, coffe filter dosnt work that great. and tape whatever you use to the tube.
than blast it with butane and hold it over a dish that will bea easy to scrape the honey oil out of
I love making it its so cool watchin liquid butane boil when its cold out