Looking for Electrician for Building Light Fixture on New Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a new grow and I have a new idea for my CFL lighting set-up. I've found some bulb sockets at Lowe's that are clip in sockets which I was thinking about using with PVC pipes with holes drilled into it. I guess the PVC would be about 1.5 inch with holes large enough to put the clip sockets into. The problem is, I don't know how to connect all the wiring for the clip sockets. I'd like them all to be on/off at the same time. Does anyone have any ideas about how to connect all the sockets together on one circuit?

Here's a pic of my concept. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. I hope there is someone out there that can help. Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Can't believe I've got 53 views and not one post. Nobody has any opinions? Ideas?


Well-Known Member
Okay. . . then, ANYbody at all here with some electrical wiring experience? I could really use some help.
Cfls have 2 wires coming from the socket or 2(maybe 3 if it is high wattage and has a ground) places to attatch wires. Buy sum wire with insulation. You can wire them all seperately and plug into an extension chord with multiple outlets or combine all the wires at the end, but make sure to match all the negatives to negatives n positives to positives n grounds to ground. Make sure u have a fuse box for your house n extra fuses just in case. To start off simple just buy a computer chord plug and wire 1 cfl to the plug, if plug is3 pronged , the green wire is ground and is unused if ur cfls have no ground.