Looking for flood schedule advice.


Well-Known Member
What sort of flood schedule would be best for my setup?

Clones in 1.5" rockwool mini-blocks with 0-7 days veg are placed in 5.5" pots. 4 per sq/ft
The pots have 3/4" of rockwool croutons in the bottom and then filled with straight perlite.
Perpetual grow.
Tray 1 4x4 plants in weeks 1-4 1K HPS
Tray 2 4x4 plants in weeks 5-8 1K HPS
Tray 3 2x4 plants in weeks 9-10 600W HPS (Low EC solution)

Tray 4 (mothers) 4x6 16 plants in 1 Gal pots. They get pretty big. Thinking about bigger pots.
Same media as above.

Right now I flood at lights on and 6hrs after lights on in bloom
and every 12hrs for moms. 24/0 light.

Any feedback appreciated


Well-Known Member
I run every 6 hours and than in weeks 7 on every 8 hours, the only thing holding water is the rockwool so should work well.


Well-Known Member
Is there any advantage to flooding more frequently?
I am currently using H2O2 in the rez but will be switching to Heisenbergs tea soon.


Well-Known Member
I went from flooding once a light cycle to four times per cycle (every 3 hours) and my gals were noticeably happier, grew much larger root systems out of the bottoms of the cubes...and much bigger yields!


Well-Known Member
I think I will start by flooding my moms every 3 hours. See how they do.
I will also add another flood to my flowering plants.
Lights on -- Half way -- Just before lights off.

I am also going move to wider pots for the moms. Most of the root mass is in the bottom 2 inches of the pots. There are some fine white roots in the perlite above that look fine but the bottom 2 inches looks a little root bound. I flood to about 3 inches.

Anybody else want to chime in?
Looking to dial everything in for optimal root health all the way to harvest.