Looking for guides


Active Member
Im starting to get into indoor growing and Im wanting some help as with the basics. Like what all do i need, What kind of lights ? Ive read people using cfls and hps and I have no idea what the difference is. Ya know just a basic guide on indoor growing.



This site has a lot of guides, especially at the top of this forum. They're "stickied" click on them and read them tons of useful information. Also I'm more of a visual learner so I watched some grow ops on youtube. Some good channels to subscribe to that helped me understand how things work - http://www.youtube.com/user/Bauks420 , http://www.youtube.com/user/punkoska420 . There's tons of information on this website, just have to go fishing for some of the different tips and tricks.


Well-Known Member
HPS is best for flowering because it penetrates the canopy better than CFLs do. You would see a better overall yield if you went HPS.

Basically choose soil or hydro and your location and start there. If your a soil grower you could get the famous "the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible" by jeorge Cervantes. its the only weed book i own and got me started. Some of the info is dated but should get you going.



Well-Known Member
Check out subcools youtube channel, he explains a lot of stuff.
And getting started is the best way to get learning.

You can also browse around the grow journals and see which style is more your kind. And look at the harvest too, that should put you off CFLs pretty quickly ;-)


Active Member
WOW great site, I wasnt expecting such nice replys :)
Yeah I plan on doing a soil grow, once I get some more experience I will switch over to hydro.
Wickedsv, I subscribed to those two channels and am watching some videos atm :)
Justparanoid, I will definitely check out that book, seems like just what I was looking for :)
McFonz, I will check out that channel :)

Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
1. Feel free to ask me pretty much anything if you need something.
2. I consider hydro MUCH easier for newbies than soil. The only issue is the cost.
With hydro you can just follow the chart and get GREAT results on your first run. But you would need all the gear to monitor everything.

With soil its more of a guess work.
You need a good soil mix to work with and then correct deficiencies and other problems.
However, you can get a nice harvest with a much lower investment. You don't even really need a pH meter while with hydro you need a pH meter, EC meter, water temp meter, all those nutrients, building a setup and all those aren't that cheap.

I work with 2 cabins right now - one with organic soil and one with coco fiber as the medium (and one soil plant too).
The coco needs much more constant watering (and way harder to overwater), the coco nutrients cost more as I use way more of them, the coco produce a bigger harvest.

With coco you can get by with just a digital pH meter as far as meters go.
It doesn't grow as fast as DWC, ebb and flow or aeroponics but its faster than the average soil grow.
You can use it pretty much like soil - handwatering and using pots and all that.

For a begginer that doesn't want to spend too much money but still want something close to hydro I think coco is the way to go.

Have I mentioned its REALLY hard to overwater coco?
Pretty much imposible with handwatering if you got a job and go to sleep.
Thats one MAJOR newbie problem out of the equation.

As far as fertilizers go the EASIEST is Kool Bloom by GHE. You just mix it per Lucas Formula, pH it and water with it.
Its ain't expensive either.