looking for some advice


Well-Known Member
i have a plant that is about 12 days old. i started it in miracle grow potting soil, realized that was a huge mistake.
got some nute burns && stuff but i ended up getting that under control.
Today i purchased Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, along with Fox Farm Tiger Bloom Big Bloom & Grow Big.
I repotted the plant in this soil and also put 3 other plants in this soil today that are only 3 days old.
My question is when should i start using the nutrients i purchased? seeing how the soil does have enough nutes for up to a month.
any advice helps!! Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
ok so after the firsy month i would start using nutes, the guy at the store gave me a chart that shows me to start using nutes from week 1 till finsh


Well-Known Member
the chart is from the fox farm website it actually says use the ocean forest and these 3 nutes along with the solubles. but it says to only put the nutes with every other watering. but it does show it being used from week one. so that's where i am getting confused?


Well-Known Member
The idea is to get your plants used to the nutes gradually. I didn't feed mine for 2 or 3 weeks after potting in ff soil, then I used 1/4 strength nutes for 2 weeks, 1/2 strength nutes for the next 2 weeks, then 3/4 strength for 2 weeks, then full strength. Mine has not been an optimal grow as it's my first, but I'm near harvest and satisfied with my results.