Looking for some guidance...

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
My babies (11) have been growing under a 1000watter at 18hrs per day for 10 days now, they are 9" tall and getting pretty bushy.

My freind saw them and said hey you should trim of the lower leaves !

I wanted too let them grow atleast 3 weeks (21 days) before I started messing with them.

At the beginning I was under watering them and now I have decided to really drown them every 2 or 3 days and this has made a huge difference and they are on some 20-20-20 nutes with a little molasses from time to time.

What do you guys/gals think I should do at this stage of the growing process..... Pics attached



Active Member
Are Those Clones? They Are Looking Good...Very Bushy. If You Have The Space To Let Them Bush Out Then Why Not?

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
yep they are clones and have been under the light for 10 days now !

Iwas thinking of letting them fill out the space and if light was not penetrating to the bottom of the plants then I would add about 4 0r 5 CFL's just for a little light down low !

I am proud, must be beginners luck hey ????? lol


Well-Known Member
Looking good, brother. Don't listen to your friend about trimming the lower leaves. You do that when the top canopy is so dense that lower leaves aren't getting any light and they turn yellow. With a 1000W light you won't have to worry about that for a long time, as in when they're several feet tall.