Looking for strains with medicinal properties...


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for different strains to try for medicinal properties...I primarily need something that works well for IBS/stomach upset/nausea.

I'm also looking for stains that would help with muscle stiffness/relaxation, neck pain, headaches, etc.

And last but definitely not least, something to help with menstrual cramps, (which most of you have probably never had the pleasure of experiencing...) :-(

But any suggestions would be helpful...so far I've found Greenhouse White Rhino very effective for nausea.


Well-Known Member


There are some breeders who advertise their lines as geared towards producing medicinal effects, other breeders have great strains that are good for different ailments. The Green Avengers (TGA) - better know by their front man's name, (Subcool) do the best advertising of the effects of their strains. They also donate seeds to the medical community and have some excellent beans that the vast majority of people are very happy growing. Some strains like Medicine Man by Mr Nice (White Rhino by Greenhouse is a good knockoff) is very potent and good for pain; Blueberry is a classic people like for many problems (digestive especially); Chemo is good for nausea; Kali Mist is reported to be phenomenal for menstral cramps (I use it for digestive problems); Cotton Candy is good for pain relief without drowsiness.

Some of the more notable pain numbing strains I know of are (copied and pasted from another thread so all might not be relevant):

Medicine Man by Mr Nice
(White Rhino by Greenhouse is a good knockoff).

Dr VonDank's Godzilla is by all account's I've read a head tearer off of kind of strain (Doc is a forum member, I'll post a link to his Godzill thread below).

Endless Sky
by Dr Greenthumb is a super potent indica that produces well and flowers in 6 weeks.

Cotton Candy by Federation is recomended by forum member frmrboi, I don't know how potent it will be but it'll be a non-drowsy strain if you need pain relief through the day.

's Lifesaver is his flagship pain relief strain, his beans are hard to find and usually only show up at dispensaries or in auctions.

Kali Mist by Serious Seeds is said to be great for menstral cramps. My favorite strain, cuts through moods, up-opiate euphoric bliss.

White Russian
by Serious is a potent head stone, long lasting.

Blue Moonshine by DJ Short is a narcotic blueberry body stone, the White Widow of the Blue Family.

A strong sativa like Super Silver Haze by Mr Nice is suppose to be good for pain.

(TGA) and HHF (Breeder's Choice) are two breeders who specialize in strains that help medical patients, reading through their lineup might give you a strain you like. Chernobyl is one of Subcool's pain relief strains - Trainwreck and JTR are two of the three parents, good for pain relief and muscle tremors (worth a close look). HHF has several great pain relief strains - Seraph will help with insomnia as well.

There are a ton of other strains that will help, these are just the one's I'm familiar with and can pull from the top of my head.


Most of those strains can be found at these seed banks.






https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-...-godzilla.html (if you want more info on Doc's strain PM him from his thread)




Well-Known Member

Take this list with a grain of salt, I reversed strain specific survey lists to get a desease specific list. A forum member brought up that practically any strain will make someone feel better so if people have only tried a couple of strains they can't give us a rating against other strains, which is what we need.


ADHD, ADD: Cinderella 99; G13; Haze; Jack Herer; ADHD (Grow Doc)

AIDS: Blueberry; Chemo;

Ankylosing Spondilitis: Cripple Creek;

anorexia: Blueberry; Chemo; Mandala #1;


anxiety: Wakeford; Big Bang; Blue Satellite; Blueberry; Blue Moonshine; Bog Sour Bubble; Bubble Gum / Serious Seeds; Burmese kush; C99 x Great White Shark; Chemo; Fieldale Haze; Firecracker; Ganesh; Hashberry; Jack Herer; Juicy Fruit; Kalichakra; Kal-X; Mango x Northern Lights # 5;

appitite stimulant: Amnesia Haze; G13; Kal-X; Medifem SS;

arthralgia: Blueberry;

arthritis: TW x LUI; TX; Aurora B; Big Kahuna; Grapefruit; Medifem SS;

Asthma: TX; Alien Train Wreck; Dynamite;

auto-immune diseases

Back pain / ache: Apollo 13; Bahia Black Head; Blue Widow; Fieldale Haze; Fig Widow; Herijuana; Kalichakra;


chronic fatigue

Crohn's Disease: Auntie Em; Blue Fruit; Blueberry; Dynamite;

daydream: AK-47;

degenerative bone/disc disease

depressive disorder: AK-47; Amnesia Haze; Blue Satellite x Jack Herer; Blueberry; Blue Moonshine; Bubble Gum / Serious Seeds; Burmaberry; Burmese kush; Citrus Skunk; Cripple Creek; Firecracker; G13; Ganesh; Haze; Kalichakra; Kali Mist; Killer Queen; Depression; Medi Kush; Mexican Sativa;

diabetic neuropathy: Herijuana x Trainwreck; Medicine Woman;

diarrhea: Blueberry;


emotional lability: Afghani #1; Black Domina; Blueberry; Butterscotch Hawaiian;


Epilepsy: Green Queen;

fibromyalgia: Jack Herer;

gastrointestinal disorder: Blackberry; Black Domina; Blueberry;

glaucoma: TX; Medicine Woman;

headache: AK-47; Green Spirit;

Hepatitis C: Cripple Creek; Dynamite; Grapefruit; Medicine Woman;

Herniated disc pain: Big Kahuna;

HIV: Blue Widow;


Insomnia: Ultra Green; Wakeford; Afghani #1; AK-47; Bahia Black Head; Berry-Bolt; Black Domina; Blueberry; Blue Moonshine; Butterscotch Hawaiian; CIT; Citral; Deep Chunk; El Nino; G13 x HP; Herijuana; Herijuana x Trainwreck; Juicy Fruit; Mango x Northern Lights # 5; Medi Kush;

Interstitial Cystitis: Cripple Creek;

Irritable bowel syndrome: Cripple Creek;

joint pain: Aurora B; Berry-Bolt; Deep Chunk; Green Spirit x Timewarp x Herijuana; Green Spirit x Timewarp x Herijuana; Herijuana x Trainwreck; Juicy Fruit;

mania: Magic Crystal;

menstrual spasm: Blueberry; Kali Mist

migraine: Bonzo Bud; Burmaberry; Green Spirit x Timewarp x Herijuana; Ice Princess x Bubblegum; Magic Crystal;

multiple sclerosis: TX; Auntie Em; Herijuana x Trainwreck; Krinkle x Kush x Freezeland; Medi Kush;

muscle relaxation: Black Vietnamese; Blue Fruit;

muscle spasm: Blueberry; Burmese x Fu*cking Incredible; Herijuana; Krinkle x Kush x Freezeland; Medicine Woman;

muscle tension: Blue Satellite;

Nausea: Trainwreck x Herijuana; TW x LUI; Wakeford; Afghanica; AK-47; Aurora B; Black Vietnamese; Blue Satellite; Blue Satellite x Jack Herer; Budacolumbia; Bubble Gum / Serious Seeds; Cali-O; Cinderella 99; CIT; El Nino; Firecracker; G13 x HP; Grapefruit; Green Spirit; Herijuana; Kali Mist; Kal-X; Magic Crystal; Mandala #1; Mango; Mango x Northern Lights # 5; Masterkush; Medicine Woman;

neck/spine pain

neuropathic pain

neurosis: Akorn aka Snowbud; Blueberry; Blue Moonshine; Mandala #1;

pain - chronic: Blueberry; Chemo; Chronic;

pain - muscle: Blueberry; Bonzo Bud;

Pain - nerve

pain - relief: TX; Afghanica; AK-47; Akorn aka Snowbud; Black Vietnamese; Blue Satellite; Bog Sour Bubble; Bubba Kush; Burmese x Fu*cking Incredible; CIT; Citrus Skunk; G13; G13 x HP; Grapefruit; Green Queen; Green Spirit; Herijuana; Himalayan Gold; Kalichakra; Kal-X; Killer Queen; Mango; Mango x Northern Lights # 5; Matanuska Tundra; Matanuska Mint; Medi Kush; Medifem SS; Medifem SS; Medicine Woman;

panic disorder: Big Bang; Mandala #1;

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: Afghanie x Haze; Catalyst; Magic Crystal;

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

psychosis: Fig Widow;

radiculopathy: Medicine Woman;

Restless legs syndrome

RLS: Green Spirit x Timewarp x Herijuana;

Rotator Cuff Disease - Chronic: Cripple Creek;

seasonal affective disorder: Magic Crystal;

seizures: TX; Medicine Woman;

sleep disorder: Afgooey; Hashberry; Kal-X;

social anxiety disorder: Bubba Kush; Hindu Kush;

stomach trouble: Blueberry; Chemo; Mandala #1;

stress: Akorn aka Snowbud; Big Bang; Bubba Kush; Himalayan Gold; Mandala #1;




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the lists, I've grown Greenhouse's White Rhino and Trainwreck before and they are keepers, but do you know by any chance how their Super Silver Haze stacks up to the more expensive breeders?

These seeds sound incredible but some of them are way over my budget. I grow several strains at the same time, (trying to find the favorites) so buying several big packs to try a strain would kill me. I buy from Attitude, so I'll check out their lists...that Kali Mist looks incredible, I'm going to have to try that.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you've turned my current want list on it's head...question for everyone now: Which Blueberry is best for medicinal use? We've got DJ Short, (2 different kinds - Blueberry and True Blueberry) Dutch Passion, Sagarmatha, Lowlife Automatic Blueberry, and really tasteful choice for a name - The Doggies Nuts Blueberry #1...which looks really overpriced.


Well-Known Member

DJ Short Blueberry and/or Blue Moonshine if you need a more potent narcotic stone.




Well-Known Member
Well, I was throwing up for 6 hours last night, and Blue Cheese and Blue Hash (the only Blues I've got right now) did nothing to stop the nausea/vomiting...Chiesel wasn't effective either. ughhh...so I think I'd want the strongest shit possible


Well-Known Member
Light of Jah... a woman my friend supplies for uses it to help her eat, and keep the food down


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm flat broke and the DJ Short is still out of stock, so I've gone with a single Dutch Passion pick n' mix Blueberry, and a 5 pack of Greenhouse White Rhino (the cheapest pack on my list). I should be able to order more seeds next month...


Well-Known Member

Great choices HTL. If you can swing it get at least 2 Blueberry feminized seeds - there are several phenos and if you get the wrong one with one seed it may ruin you for Blueberry for years. You should get some freebees too, if none show up in your Cart check back to the forum for directions before placing your order.

If you are going with Feminized seeds you have at best a 70% chance of getting a plant that closely resembles the pheno the breeder used as an S1 parent. Based on a study Dutch Passion did on 450 plants over 15 strains. Growing 1 seed may ruin you on a great strain for life - bad pheno, plant.


In an experiment done in 1999 we grew 15 varieties of "feminized" seeds. We started with 30 seeds per variety. The goals were: 1) to determine the percentages of female, male, and hermaphroditic plants. 2) to compare the uniformity (homogeneity) among plants from "feminized" seeds with those grown from "regular" seeds.

1. The results were excellent. Nine out of fifteen varieties had 100% female offspring. Percentages of female plants from the other 6 varieties were between 80 and 90%. These plants were all hermaphrodites, producing their male flowers at the end of their lifecycle. Seed-setting hardly took place. No males were found.

2. Approximately 70% of the plants of varieties grown from "feminized" seeds were far more uniform than plants grown from "regular" seeds of the same variety. About 20% of the varieties were a little more uniform, while in 10% of the varieties no difference in uniformity was seen.

From literature and our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that influence gender are:

  • a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
  • a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
  • a higher humidity will give more females.
  • a lower temperature will give more females.
  • more blue light will give more females.
  • Fewer hours of light will give more females.

It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.

To produce our feminized seeds, we start with selected female clones. Under standard conditions these female clones do not produce any male flowers. By the method we found, we are able to have these female clones produce abundant male flowers and pollen (see photos). The pollen thus produced we use for the production of our "feminized" seeds.




Here's another source for DJ's Blueberry if you'd rather go that route, good seed bank. If you want to stick with Attitude seed bank - Dutch Passion is a good breeder, if you get a good Blueberry Pheno you'll be happy with their genetics.





Well-Known Member
I'm still after the DJ short pack, just waiting for it to be back in stock, and for my cash to be back in stock :)

Here's my wish list at the moment:

Serious Seeds - Kali Mist
DJ Short - Blueberry
TGA Subcool - Jilly Bean or Space Jill/Space Queen (not sure which is better there)
Serious Seeds - Bubblegum
DNA Genetics - Chocolope
Greenhouse - Super Silver Haze
TGA Subcool - Jack The Ripper
Serious Seeds - White Russian
Serious Seeds - AK47
TGA Subcool - Chernobyl
Dutch Passion - Strawberry Cough
Greenhouse - The Church

I've got quite a few to try now...

oh, I've got my freebies coming...and I got my discount with the code...


Well-Known Member

bluemoon could you post some info on wrex please, I've never heard of the strain and it's not listed at Attitude. Who is the breeder? Have you grown it? Consumed often?

I like the name. ;)



Well-Known Member
Space Queen and The Church are pretty effective right now. The Church works surprisingly well for nausea.